Avenir Foot Lozère Launches Regional 1 Championship Campaign in Béziers

Kick-off at 6pm, Saturday 7 September.

Avenir Foot Lozère had a hectic summer preparing for its 2024-2025 season. With Maxime Teissier announcing his departure at the end of last season, a new coach had to be found. Romain Canalès was therefore announced at the start of this season, but the adventure ended after a few weeks. It is now Nabil Zanina’s turn to be inducted as coach of the flagship team.

If the championship starts this weekend, the season already started last Sunday, on the Chastel pitch. It was in the second round of the Coupe de France and the yellow and blues respected the logic against the resident of Départemental 2. A 7-0 victory thanks to two doubles from Maurin and Yousfi, goals from Prunet, Nguer and an own goal. Enough to gain confidence after a few complicated days. In the next round, they will have to travel to Fenouillet, Régional 3.

Return to the East Occitanie group

But before the Coupe de France, the championship is on the weekend’s program. The Lozériens will return to the Eastern group of the Occitanie league. After the long trips in the Toulouse region last season, they will face the clubs of the former Languedoc-Roussillon. And, it is AS Béziers who stands in front of the Mendois for this first day. Still in Ligue 2, a few seasons ago, the Biterrois will be outsiders in this group A of Regional 1. The task will not be easy for a start to the championship, but it will be necessary to launch the season with certainly the debut of two recruits: Mouhamed Diallo, midfielder, from Gueugnon and Louis Laurent, goalkeeper, from Alès.

But Zanina’s players won’t be the only ones on deck this weekend. The reserve team, of new coach Hien, hosts Espoir Foot, Sunday, at 3 p.m., in Rouffiac for its debut in Regional 3. After last season’s relegation, it will be important to quickly take points.

As for team 3, which is moving up from D2 to D1 and is still coached by Daniel Teissier, it will host Lévézou on Saturday evening at the Causse d’Auge at 7 p.m.

Here are some PAA (People Also ⁢Ask) related questions for ⁤the title *Avenir Foot Lozère Kicks Off 2024-2025 Season with⁢ New ⁣Coach and High Expectations*:

Avenir​ Foot Lozère Kicks Off 2024-2025 Season with⁤ New Coach ‍and High⁣ Expectations

The 2024-2025 season is finally ​underway for Avenir Foot Lozère,‌ and it’s been a rollercoaster ride‌ for the team ‌so‌ far. After⁤ a hectic summer, the team is gearing up for a fresh start with a new coach, ⁤Nabil Zanina, at ‌the helm.

A Summer ⁢of Changes

The‌ summer transfer window ‍saw the departure of Maxime Teissier, the ​team’s previous coach. Romain Canalès‌ was initially appointed to replace Teissier, but his ⁢tenure was short-lived, lasting only⁢ a ⁣few weeks [[1]]. Canalès had expressed his ‍excitement about ‍joining ‌the‌ team, saying “Ça n’arrive pas qu’aux autres!” ‍(It doesn’t just happen to others!) [[2]], but unfortunately,⁢ it didn’t work out.

Nabil⁢ Zanina Takes the Reins

Nabil Zanina ‍has now taken over as the new coach⁣ of Avenir Foot‍ Lozère, bringing a fresh perspective to the team. The team’s Facebook page announced the⁢ appointment, ⁢with a photo of ‌Zanina in action [[3]].

Coupe de France‍ Success

Before the ‌championship⁤ season kicked off, Avenir Foot Lozère ⁤had a ​successful outing in the Coupe de France,‌ defeating their Départemental 2 opponents ‍7-0 in the‍ second round. The win was a confidence booster for the team, with goals from Maurin, Yousfi, Prunet, Nguer, ⁤and ​an own goal. In ⁤the next round, they’ll face Fenouillet, a Régional 3 team.

Return to East Occitanie Group

This weekend, the team will return to the Eastern group of the Occitanie league, where they’ll face AS Béziers in their first‌ championship match. After long trips ‌to the Toulouse ‌region last season, the team is looking forward to facing familiar foes from the⁣ former Languedoc-Roussillon region.

New Recruits and High Expectations

The team has also ‌strengthened its squad with‍ two new recruits: Mouhamed Diallo, a midfielder from Gueugnon, and Louis Laurent, a⁣ goalkeeper⁢ from Alès. With these⁤ additions, the team is looking to launch their season with confidence ⁣and make a strong‍ start​ to ‍the championship.

The kick-off is ⁤set for 6 pm on Saturday, September 7, and Avenir Foot ‍Lozère is ready ‍to take on the challenges of the new season. With Nabil Zanina at the‍ helm and a strong squad, the team is poised for success.⁢ Will they be able to overcome the obstacles and make a mark in‍ the Occitanie league? Only time will tell.

Here are some frequently asked questions (PAA) related to the title “Avenir Foot Lozère Kicks Off 2024-2025 Season with New Coach and High Expectations”:

Avenir Foot Lozère Kicks Off 2024-2025 Season with New Coach and High Expectations

Avenir Foot Lozère, a French football club from Mende, has had a hectic summer preparing for its 2024-2025 season [[3]]. After Maxime Teissier’s departure at the end of last season, the club had to find a new coach. Romain Canalès was initially appointed, but his tenure was short-lived, lasting only a few weeks. Now, Nabil Zanina has taken the reins as the new coach of the flagship team [[1]].

The club’s season already began last Sunday with a 7-0 victory in the second round of the Coupe de France against a Départemental 2 team [[2]]. This win has given the team confidence after a few complicated days. In the next round, they will face Fenouillet in Régional 3.

This weekend, the championship is set to begin, with Avenir Foot Lozère returning to the Eastern group of the Occitanie league. After traveling to the Toulouse region last season, they will now face clubs from the former Languedoc-Roussillon. Their first opponents will be AS Béziers, a team that was previously in Ligue 2. This will be a tough start to the championship, but the team is looking forward to launching the season with the debut of two new recruits: Mouhamed Diallo, a midfielder from Gueugnon, and Louis Laurent, a goalkeeper from Alès [[2]].

The reserve team, led by new coach Hien, will also be in action this weekend, hosting Espoir Foot on Sunday at 3 p.m. in Rouffiac for their debut in Regional 3.

Avenir Foot Lozère has a strong online presence, with over 5,500 likes on Facebook [[3]]and an active profile on the social media platform [[2]]. The club’s squad includes players like Jordan Magurno, a 25-year-old goalkeeper, and Haoufou Guira, a midfielder [[1]].

As the season kicks off, Avenir Foot Lozère is filled with high expectations and a sense of optimism. With a new coach and fresh recruits, the team is ready to take on the challenges of the Occitanie league and make a strong impression in the Coupe de France.







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