With the quantum computer, reconciling Einstein’s relativity and quantum mechanics?

2024-08-31 04:00:03

A century has passed since the birth of quantum mechanics, and yet the mysteries raised by its founders continue to challenge minds. While technologies from this discipline, such as lasers, shape our daily lives, one question persists: how can quantum mechanics be theory of relativity Can Einstein’s theory shed light on the mysteries of quantum entanglement?

Credit: TU Darmstadt

At the heart of this thinking is quantum information theory, an emerging field that is redefining our understanding of quantum mechanics in terms of information rather than forces. Researchers are using this approach to explain phenomena such asquantum entanglement without resorting to concepts that would challenge the special relativity d’Einstein.

The notion of the qubit, the cornerstone of quantum computing, is at the heart of this revolution. Unlike classical bits, qubits can exist in a state of superposition, allowing for much faster and more complex calculations. This advantage stems directly from quantum entanglement, a phenomenon where linked particles behave in a correlated manner, regardless of the distance between them.

What makes this correlation particularly puzzling is that it appears to be happening faster than light, defying special relativity. However, quantum information theorists, using the principle of relativity, suggest that entanglement could be explained without violating this theory. fundamental.

Interior view of the dilution refrigerator of a quantum computer with superconducting circuits.
IBM Research

By analyzing the spin of electrons, they show how a particle in a state of superposition respects the principle of relativity while being able to produce unexpected measurement results that are consistent with the absence of “hidden forces.” This approach thus avoids the “ghostly actions at a distance” that Einstein considered problematic.

The convergence of quantum mechanics and relativity, if confirmed, could not only solve an old debate but also open up new perspectives for the technology quantum of tomorrow.

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