Autumn Weight Loss: Tips & Tricks for Shedding Pounds Before the Holidays

2023-11-16 08:38:31

Losing weight didn’t work out so well in the summer? No problem! Autumn offers an excellent opportunity to shed excess pounds before the holiday season. We’ll give you valuable tips on how you can use this time of year efficiently to successfully lose weight and achieve your goals. Everything is included, from delicious autumn slimming products to tips for a new sports routine.

In the clip: The best autumn recipes

These are 8 slimming products for autumn

Autumn is the perfect time to lose weight! Why? Because now you no longer have a short-term goal in mind like a summer vacation that tempts you to go on unhealthy crash diets. Now you have time to listen to your body and lose a few kilos in a relaxed manner. Start with a change in diet. Even though the time for summer berries is over, autumn has plenty of healthy fruits and vegetables to offer that are great for you Autumn diet suitable.

Lamb’s lettuce: The typical autumn salad has a wonderfully nutty taste and can be easily combined with spicy foods. Lamb’s lettuce is considered the healthiest salad with a lot of vitamin C, provitamin A and the second highest Iron content all types of vegetables. Only parsley performs better in the iron-containing foods category. But you usually eat less of it.Pumpkin: Some people look forward to it all year round: autumn is the season for pumpkin. With only around 25 calories per 100 grams, pumpkin belongs in every autumn diet. As a substitute for fries from the oven, pureed in soup or in combination with feta on tarte flambée – pumpkin is not only extremely diverse, it is also rich in minerals like potassium and calcium. For a low carb diet, nutmeg squash and spaghetti squash are better than Hokkaido because they have fewer carbohydrates.Apple: You can pick the perfect snack straight from the tree every day in autumn. Depending on size, an apple only has an average of 55 calories, but a lot of them Antioxidantswhich protect your cells from free radicals.Pear: Another light snack that’s in high season in fall. Due to their high Potassium content Pears have a dehydrating effect and therefore help with kidney and bladder problems in the cold autumn weather. As with apples: always with you Peel eat, because this is where most of the vitamins are found.Quinces: As pretty as they look, quinces are difficult to eat raw. Only when cooked, baked or boiled do quinces lose their bitter taste and develop their sweet, lemony aroma. As a quince jelly, in a vinaigrette or as a baking ingredient, the quince not only tastes delicious, but is also delicious thanks to its high Vitamin C– and fiber content is a real one Superfood.Mushrooms: No autumn dish without mushrooms. If you prepare them without a lot of fat and avoid thick cream sauces, mushrooms are very suitable Lose weight. They hardly have carbohydratesbut lots of vegetable protein and provitamin D.Beetroot: Does the eye eat too? Then beetroot definitely has to be on your plate. The inexpensive turnip spices up any dish with its reddish-pink color and contains many fiber and no fat. But always add salt at the end of the cooking time, otherwise the color will become dull.Kohl: Cabbage is in season in autumn and is rich in fiber, folic acid, minerals and trace elements such as iron. Among the types of cabbage is primarily the Spitzkohl trending. It tastes sweet and nutty, has a lot of vitamin C and contains a little less flatulence than, for example, white cabbage. Nevertheless, it is best to blanch and use spices such as caraway and ginger to combat the bloated stomach.

Losing weight in autumn: these are effective tips

If you want to lose weight in the fall, diet is just one option. Here are more tips for the fall diet:

Go for a walk: It’s raining? Doesn’t matter! Put on your raincoat and get out with you. An hour of walking burns approximately 300 calories. In addition, the fresh air and daylight stimulate your body to Vitamin D to build. This gets rid of the tiredness and winter depression is no longer an issue.Trink Tee: Lose weight with tea? Naturally! If you leave out sugar, you have a warming, low in calories A drink that won’t let you get bored thanks to its countless flavors. It doesn’t always have to be hot, cold tea is a good alternative on warm autumn days.Go to sleep early: Lack of sleep makes you tired during the day, which leads to you moving less. In addition, little sleep can increase your feeling of hunger. Many Studies prove that too little sleep Overweight can cause. So off to bed for a beauty sleep, it gets dark earlier anyway and you can even lose weight while sleeping. Eat pumpkin: We’ve mentioned it before, but twice is better: pumpkin is the perfect fall food. Through his nutrient It keeps you fit, it is healthy and low in calories and is extremely versatile. You can find lots of recipes with pumpkin to lose weight on the internet.Bake it yourself: Autumn is difficult for those with a sweet tooth: sweet temptations lurk everywhere, from gingerbread to dominoes. Just learn to bake yourself and prepare low-calorie delicacies yourself. Here you can Sugar and fat content Pay attention, plus it’s always fun to learn new things.Find a new sport: If you want to lose weight, you have to exercise. Sport helps you lose kilos and makes good mood. Try something new, it will motivate you and get rid of boredom.

Indoor sports you should try this fall

Don’t want to jog over slippery leaves in the rain in the fall? Then try these indoor sports:

Gym: The classic is particularly recommended in autumn. Not as crowded as in spring and with a large number of different ones Cardio equipment equipped to guarantee dry training. Start now, with Strength training Training different muscle groups boosts your metabolism.Climb: climbing or Bouldering trains the muscles of your upper body and promotes coordination and concentration. The next bouldering hall is definitely just around the corner.Squash: Old school? No, totally trendy. The fast indoor sport in a glass box trains your Leg and gluteal muscles, but requires a lot of fitness. Squash burns up to 400 calories per 30 minutes.To swim: Do a few laps in the indoor pool gentle on the joints Lose calories. And as a reward, you can then go to the sauna to detoxify and relax.Boxes: When the autumn blues come knocking, just put them away. Boxing is an effective full-body workout that also has a positive effect on your health Psyche effects.Sports at home: There are countless ways to train at home. Try a new one Workout whether aerobics with online videos or dancing with the games console. A lot of equipment is often not necessary and you can wear your oldest training clothes and no one will see you anyway.

Losing weight in the fall: That’s our conclusion

The Herbst is perfect for continuing an aborted diet from the summer or starting over. Delicious autumn vegetables enrich the diet plan and you can work towards a healthy change in diet without pressure. Always remember: you only lose weight if you eat more Calories consume more than you take in. That’s why sports are popular in autumn, and you can try something new here too. So do Lose weight Have fun and you’ll lose enough pounds by winter so you can enjoy the Christmas goose without any regrets.

Why do you gain weight in autumn?

Many people gain weight in the fall because the weather puts a damper on their mood and encourages inactivity. The hormone serotonin drops, making us tired and unmotivated. As a result, we move less and eat more.

In what time can you lose 10 kg?

How quickly you lose weight depends on various factors: starting weight, fitness level, gender and age. Basically, losing weight slowly is healthier and more sustainable. If you lose around 0.5 kilos per week, you will see 10 kilos less on the scales in 5 months.

When is the best time to lose weight?

The most important factor in the weight loss process is you. You say when is the best time to start a diet, because only motivation and perseverance lead to success. You’ll improve your chances if you don’t start in winter, because then your body is in energy-saving mode.

How many pounds can I lose in 30 days?

Various crash diets promise rapid weight loss of up to 10 kilos in 30 days. However, you should refrain from doing this because it puts strain on your body and the weight is difficult to maintain. A slow weight loss of around 0.5 kilos per week is better, i.e. around 2 kilos in 30 days.

#slimming #foods #fall #diet



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