Autumn tiredness? This is how you can defeat – QNSalus

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Welcome to the Autumn Fitness Reality Show!

Ah, September! Feels like a dream, doesn’t it? You come back from holiday, and for a hot minute, you’re toned, tanned, and motivated. You swagger into the gym like you own the place. But lo and behold! Enter October: the month that promptly harvests your motivation and replaces it with soggy leaves and an overwhelming urge to hibernate like a bear. But never fear! With a sprinkle of motivation and a cheeky grin, let’s navigate the seasonal slump together!

Anti-Fatigue Stimuli: The Secret Sauce!

First off, who knew that pushing on specific spots of your body was a form of exercise? Forget about kettlebells; it’s all about *acupressure*! According to ancient Chinese medicine, all you need are three tiny spots: just above your wrist and in two other strategic areas that I cannot pronounce! You press those spots like you’re trying to get the last bit of ketchup out of the bottle, and voilà, you’re magically invigorated! Just remember: no pain, no gain, but *too much pain*, and you might just be taking a trip to the hospital!

A Seren Landscape: Zen and the Art of Tiredness

Now, let’s talk about those dreary fall days that would make even the sun want to call it quits! Your body’s like a stubborn computer needing a system reboot. What’s the trick, you ask? Picture a serene landscape! Lying in the dark, breathe deeply, and mentally stroll through that beach you visited last summer. No! Not the one with the sand and seagulls but the one where the Wi-Fi was strong, and the drinks were flowing! Relaxing is crucial, which is why I insist on incorporating daydreams into your daily routine! Seriously, if staring blankly into space was a sport, I’d be the Michael Phelps of it!

Free Space: Schedule in Some Fun!

Let’s talk about schedules! Because nothing screams ‘adulthood’ like a to-do list longer than your arm! But here’s the plot twist: you must factor in a bit of free time! It’s like packing to go on holiday; you think you’ll need that heavy jacket, but you just *know* all you’ll want is sun and relaxation. So, every morning make sure your to-do list has “Netflix and snack” or “nap vigorously” in the mix. And while you’re at it, why not throw in a yoga session?! Because who doesn’t want to master the downward dog while pretending your life isn’t falling apart?

Sweet Dreams: The Sleep Revolution

Now let’s address the elephant in the bedroom—sleep. Or lack thereof! Your bedroom should be a sanctuary, not a tech bazaar. Silence is golden, but there’s nothing worse than a computer’s fan sounding like a jet engine interrupting your dreams. Remember: if you wake up with creaky joints and a face that resembles a potato, you might want to rethink that *screen time before bedtime* decision! Shut the devices down, keep it quiet, and embrace the magical journey into dreamland—ideally without the nightmare of losing Wi-Fi!

Proteins and More: The Magic Fuel

A healthy diet is key, right? It’s always exciting when you discover that what you eat can magically transform you into a beautiful butterfly! And here’s the golden rule: protein! From chicken to chickpeas, get those muscles rejuvenated! Mix and match, sprinkle in some spices—cinnamon, saffron, ginger—and suddenly you’re a chef in your own cooking show… or just someone trying not to burn toast. And for the love of all that’s sacred, *stay away from refined sugar*! Nothing says, “I’m in a rut,” like diving into a bucket of ice cream at 1 AM. Instead, opt for fruit—it’s like nature’s candy—no shame in lifting that fruit bowl. So, yes, be that person enjoying a banana while dreaming of cake!

Conclusion: Don’t Let Autumn Win!

So, as we march through this beautiful chaos called autumn, remember to laugh, eat well, and navigate through the seasonal tiredness like a pro. Whether it’s yoga, dreaming of serene beaches, or pushing on those strange acupressure points, do whatever it takes to keep your energy and spirits high. Because if there’s one thing we learned today, it’s that if we can’t beat the seasonal slump, we might as well enjoy the ride!

Now off you go! Start energizing your life one cheeky laugh at a time!

Every year, we return from holidays toned, regenerated, full of energy, but above all with good intentions. In September we immediately join the gym or commit to jogging, thanks to the beautiful days that are still rather long and sunny. However, with the first rains of October the enthusiasm wanes, along with the hours of daylight. But with some precautions it is possible to stay in shape, defying the seasonal tiredness that brings down mood and vitality.


First of all, energy must be stimulated. According to Chinese medicine, pressure on specific points helps vital energy circulate throughout the body. There are three main anti-fatigue points. The first is located at the junction of the tibia and fibula, the second two fingers above the wrist, between the radius and the ulna and the third two fingers below the navel. To stimulate them, just press them firmly, but without causing pain, because they are very sensitive.


In autumn you feel more tired because the body has to adapt to changes in temperature but above all to the drastic decrease in daylight hours. Some studies show a link between the hours of light and changes in the production of serotonin, the good mood neurotransmitter. This is why learning to relax is essential, even with a quick and simple exercise. Lying in the dark, you breathe slowly and deeply. When the body is completely relaxed, you imagine a serene landscape in which to walk.


Tiredness increases with daily commitments that make the days seem eternal. Every morning it is useful to make a list of tasks and obligations, but always including spaces for free time, for unexpected events but also for relaxation or physical activity. In this case, an excellent choice is the regular practice of yoga which helps to combat physical but also mental tiredness. This discipline today comes in many variations and offers a series of postures that tone the muscles, stimulate the proper functioning of the endocrine glands and support the action of the vital organs.


To have enough energy to continue practicing an activity that keeps you fit, it is important to sleep well and without interruptions. The first disturbing element is noise, so the bedroom should be as isolated and silent as possible. For this reason, it is important to avoid leaving computers and televisions on standby in the room where you sleep, as well as tablets and cell phones near the bed, also because they emit electromagnetic waves that disturb sleep.


Nutrition is a great help for physical fitness. To regenerate muscles they need proteins. Of animal and plant origin. For lunch and dinner you can combine cereals and legumes, such as rice and lentils, couscous and chickpeas or corn and red beans. For mental fatigue, the neurons must be nourished instead. And the brain needs essential fatty acids: the neuronal walls must be flexible and permeable enough to do their job well. So green light in the diet for fatty fish, such as salmon, and rapeseed or soybean oils. Even the spices are almost all tonic. At the top are cinnamon, saffron and ginger, while nutmeg strengthens brain functions. In case of physical and mental tiredness, we almost always turn to sweets and sugar, but these do not work over time. Better to do without refined white sugar and sweets of all kinds. Instead, they can be replaced with fruit and slow sugars, such as pasta or starchy foods, to be consumed regularly.

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