“Autonomous University of Tamaulipas Students Win Third Place in International Medicine Congress”

2023-05-30 23:20:41

Tampico, Tamps., May 30 (OEM-Informex). Students from Autonomous University of Tamaulipas (UAT) south campus, received recognition following obtaining the third place in it 1st International Congress of the National Regulatory Committee of General Medicine held in the city of Queretarowith the clinical case “Male Patient with Cognitive Impairment and Intracranial Atherosclerosis“.

Students meet with the director of the Faculty of Medicine

The director of the Tampico School of Medicine, Raul de Leon Escobedo, received recognition from the team made up of Meysi Alejandra Martínez Hernández; Carmen Karina Alvarez Rodriguez; Marcela Castellanos Del Ángel and Javier Pérez-Rul Castillo as well as the doctor and advisor Enrique Juárez Reséndiz.

They commented that they feel very proud of the achievements obtained following competing for two days once morest 250 teams made up of students and researchers of great renown from different states of the country, who sought to position themselves in the first places of this medical fair.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 60 million people have dementia all over the planet. Every year there are almost 10 million new cases and currently occupies the seventh place in death and is one of the main causes of disabilityhaving a significant impact on the quality of life of those who suffer from it.

Meysi Alejandra, explains that hence the importance of presenting the clinical case “Male Patient with Cognitive Impairment and Intracranial Atherosclerosis“, to the jury of the 1st International Congress of the National Regulatory Committee of General Medicine formed by renowned doctorswho following analyzing various criteria led them to tie for second place, however according to internal criteria in a final vote they were left with the deserved third place.

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The clinical case corresponds to a 65-year-old male with a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus of 30 years of evolution, hypertension of five years of evolution, hypercholesterolemia of three years, metabolic syndrome, moderate alcoholism but abandoned 14 years ago and sedentary lifestyle. Family history of interest, mother diagnosed with dementia in her old age and twin sister diagnosed with schizophrenia“.

Medical students raise the colors of the UAT

Leon Escobedo stated that the students they put very high the colors of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipassince they faced true ‘monsters of medicine’, which despite their trajectory did not diminish the desire to succeed of those who will become future health specialists.

He pointed out that the Chancellor Guillermo Mendoza Cavazos He was very attentive to the development of these young promises of Tamaulipas medicine who left graduation preparations aside to give new recognition to the highest house of studies.

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These young people have doubly merit because they do not have 10 years of experience since their path to professionalization is beginning and what better way than obtaining third place in an international event

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Remember that the UAT students south campus, received recognition for obtaining the third place in it 1st International Congress of the National Regulatory Committee of General Medicine celebrated on Queretaro.

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