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Weekend Traffic Operations: A Comedy of Errors

Ah, the weekend! That delightful time when people let their hair down, open their wallets for a pint, and, it seems, forget how to drive. The Official Corps of Traffic Agents decided to bring the party to a screeching halt with a series of checkpoints over this festive long weekend. I can hear the sirens now—sweet music to the ears of traffic officers everywhere!

According to Giovanny Posada, the Operational Director of the Ministry of Mobility—a title that sounds suspiciously like a superhero identity—168 summons orders were handed out like candy. Which begs the question: are our drivers simply allergic to traffic laws or do they think they’re in some kind of twisted version of Mario Kart? “Look, Mom! No license!”

Driving Like It’s 1999

Now let’s dive into the list of driving faux pas that made this weekend a spectacle to behold. First up: driving without a license. Yes, because who needs a piece of plastic that says, “I have the right to operate a vehicle” when you can just wing it? Next on the list is the ever-popular no-show for the SOAT (the obligatory insurance that every responsible adult should have) and the current technomechanical review. If only cars could just flash ‘OK’ signs like an overzealous cheerleader at a football game!

And what would a traffic violation be without the classic crime of poor parking? Picture it: a driver attempting a parallel park while clearly lacking the necessary skills. We’re not talking about a classic ‘five-point turn’; we’re talking about a full-on jazz hands performance of how not to park. If parking were an Olympic sport, I reckon we’d be bringing home the gold, folks!

The Protective Element Dilemma

Let’s not forget the sartorial side of this traffic saga. Apparently, some drivers were caught not wearing the appropriate protective elements or reflective clothing. You’d think we were preparing for a catwalk rather than a road safety check! Is this fashion week or are we just trying to stay alive here? Perhaps reflective outfits should become the new trend—you know, fitting for driving and catwalking responsibilities at the same time!

Accident Report: Tragedies and Lessons

With all that in mind, let’s address the elephant in the room—the accidents. There were 13 traffic accidents leading to 33 injuries and, sadly, a fatality. A harsh reminder that sometimes, life isn’t just a drive in the park; it can be more like a scene straight out of a poorly-written action flick. “Speeding cars and tragedy? Not the kind of drama I signed up for!” one could say. The Municipal Administration is calling for responsible behaviour from both drivers and pedestrians, which makes perfect sense—a little bit like asking people at a buffet to show restraint! Good luck with that!

Final Thoughts

So here’s the takeaway: Traffic safety isn’t optional; it’s a community commitment. Let’s remember that being road-worthy is akin to walking a tightrope—everyone has to pull their weight for the show to go on! I propose we all take a deep breath, put down the mobile device, and remember that driving is about as serious as it gets. After all, no one wants to be the punchline of their own road safety joke.

As we tip our hats to the tireless efforts of the traffic agents, let’s hope our next weekend escapade involves fewer summons and more sensible driving. Because hey, if you can’t laugh at our road antics, then really, what’s the point?

In the weekend operations, 168 summons orders were imposed.

He Official Corps of Traffic Agents delivered the operational balance after carrying out the respective checkpoints during this festive long weekend in the city.

According to Giovanny Posada, Operational Director of the Ministry of Mobility, Different controls were carried out where traffic violations were evident, such as driving without a license, not carrying the SOAT or the current technomechanical reviewpoor parking, not wearing protective elements correctly, or reflective clothing.

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“In addition, 13 traffic accidents were reported with 33 injured people and unfortunately a fatal victimsaid the official.

From the Municipal Administration, they call on the road actorsboth drivers and pedestrians, reminding them that responsibility is everyone’s commitment.



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