“Authoritarianism and weakened institutions”: Rafael Lemus 2024-02-23 19:08:48

This Thursday on the Platform program, the economist Rafael Lemus, assured that the judges of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal have demonstrated that they do not have independence due to their actions, by not being legal arbiters and allowing the unconstitutional registration of Nayib Bukele, “instead of being a facilitator, they “He returned as a boycotter of the electoral process.”

For the economist, all stages of the elections have failed incredibly, because there were changes to the electoral regulations a few months before the electoral event with the aim of benefiting the ruling party, and the TSE did not comment on this.

“When members of the JRV began to enter the data of Nuevas Ideas deputies, the system doubled or tripled them, it is no coincidence that the entire TSE system fails, this is a mockery for the Salvadoran population,” he expressed.

Lemus stated that it is clear that President Bukele won the elections, but the problem is that he confirmed that Nuevas Ideas won 58 deputies, which suggests that there is a need for the Court to square the results with those of the president.

“In the final scrutiny they have difficulties because the TSE does not have 1,000 minutes and some that the Attorney General of the Republic has are photos of printed handmade minutes and some do not even have signatures of the JRV members, this is only the first day,” he noted.

#Authoritarianism #weakened #institutions #Rafael #Lemus



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