Austria’s Former Foreign Minister, Karin Kneissl, Joins Think Tank in St. Petersburg: A Focus on Russia’s Geopolitical Landscape and Energy Issues

2023-06-17 07:23:55

Austria’s former Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl remains true to her closeness to Russia and Vladimir Putin: now she works for a think tank in St. Petersburg.

Former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl herself announced her new position on Twitter. The 58-year-old writes that she is at the economic forum in St. Petersburg and is looking forward to the seminars of the “Geopolitical Observatory for Russia’s Key Issues” – in short: GORKI.

Karin Kneissl founded this think tank together with the rector of St. Petersburg State University, Nikolai Kropatschew. The 64-year-old law professor has headed the university with more than 30,000 students since 2008.

GORKI’s main task is to analyze energy issues in West Asia, writes the politician, who describes herself as an energy and Middle East expert. Kneissl spent her childhood in Jordan, her father was a pilot for King Hussein. She later studied law and Arabic studies in Vienna, Jerusalem and Amman.

According to Austrian press reports, Kneissl speaks Arabic, English, French, Italian and Spanish and has basic knowledge of Hebrew, Russian and Hungarian.

Vladimir Putin at Karin Kneissl’s wedding in Austria

Her closeness to Russian President Vladimir Putin became particularly evident when Karin Kneissl invited him to her wedding in 2018 and danced with him there.

The pictures of the minister in a dirndl with the Russian President went around the world.

Under Chancellor Sebastian Kurz – appointed by the FPÖ, Kneissl was Austrian Federal Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs from 2017 to 2019. After that she also worked for the Russian state broadcaster RT and for the energy company Rosneft.

#danced #Putin #Kneissl #tank #Russia



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