2023-08-10 15:10:24
WKÖ Association of Travel Agencies: Demand for a bilateral solution implemented, important source market for Austrian incoming “opened” once more
Vienna (OTS) – “After years of waiting, we will soon be able to welcome Chinese group travelers to Austria once more,” it says Gregor Kadanka, Chairman of the Travel Agency Association in the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKÖ), relieved by today’s announcement by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism that group trips to Austria are now permitted once more. “The release from China is another important step towards normalization following the tough years of the pandemic, especially for our incoming operations,” continues Kadanka, adding: “Before Corona, China was following all the most important Asian source market. Chinese group travelers in particular are of great importance for incoming, city and cultural tourism.”
“As a trade association, we have therefore repeatedly emphasized clearly in recent months that when it comes to Chinese group travelers, approval must come quickly, since we suffered from a competitive disadvantage compared to those countries that were already allowed to be visited by Chinese group travelers before Austria,” said the Association chairman further. “Our special thanks go to the Secretary of State for Tourism, Susanne Kraus-Winkler, who took up our request and advocated a bilateral solution with China,” concluded Kadanka. (PWK256/RA)
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