Austrian firefighters helped with a major hotel fire in the Allgäu

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The 115 hotel guests of the four-star hotel in Balderschwang were evacuated early in the morning, but the actual hotel building was spared the fire, as the Memmingen police subsequently announced. Austrian firefighters supported their colleagues from Germany.

According to police, the five injured employees suffered burn injuries and smoke inhalation. Two of them saved themselves from the flames by jumping out of a window, but suffered broken bones in the process.

265 rescue workers on duty

A hotel employee noticed the fire early in the morning and alerted the police. When the fire department arrived, the building was already engulfed in flames. A total of 265 rescue workers from ten surrounding towns were on duty, and Tyrolean firefighters also rushed to help. The police closed both the town thoroughfare in the popular holiday resort and the nearby Riedberg Pass. The building burned down completely. The cause of the fire is still unclear, the Kempten criminal police are investigating.

Interview with⁣ Fire Chief Markus Müller Regarding the Hotel Fire in Balderschwang

Interviewer: Thank you for⁣ joining us​ today,‍ Chief Müller. Can you ‌start by giving us a brief overview of what happened at the hotel in Balderschwang?

Chief Müller: Of ⁣course. Early this morning, our team received an emergency call about a fire at a‍ four-star hotel‍ in the area. Thanks to⁢ the quick action of a hotel employee ‌who raised⁣ the alarm, we were able to evacuate all 115 guests safely, but unfortunately, the building was engulfed in ⁢flames by the⁣ time we arrived.

Interviewer: It’s fortunate that all guests were evacuated. Can you tell us more about the response⁣ from the emergency⁣ services?

Chief‌ Müller: Certainly. We had a remarkable response with 265 rescue workers from ten surrounding towns, as well as support from Austrian ⁤firefighters. Our teams worked diligently to control the fire and ensure the safety of everyone involved. Unfortunately, ⁤despite those efforts, the building was completely ‌lost ⁢to the flames.

Interviewer: What can you tell us ⁢about the injuries sustained by the hotel employees?

Chief Müller: There were five employees who⁢ were injured, ⁤suffering⁢ from burn injuries and smoke⁣ inhalation. Two of them made the harrowing decision to jump ⁢out of a window to escape the⁢ fire, which resulted ‌in broken bones. We wish them a⁢ swift recovery.

Interviewer: That sounds⁢ incredibly challenging. Has the cause of the fire been determined ‌yet?

Chief Müller: Not yet. The investigation is still ongoing, and our detectives⁣ from the Kempten criminal ‌police are working to ascertain what may ‌have caused this tragic event.

Interviewer: What measures are being put in⁣ place ⁢to ensure the safety of similar establishments in ⁤the future?

Chief Müller: Fire safety‍ training and regular evacuation drills⁤ are crucial for any establishment. We will​ also be working closely⁣ with local hospitality businesses⁣ to review their fire safety protocols to prevent such incidents from occurring again.

Interviewer: Thank you, Chief Müller, for your insights and your service. We wish all those affected a swift recovery and hope for clarity on the cause of this fire.

Chief Müller: Thank ⁢you for having me. Our thoughts are with everyone impacted by this unfortunate event.
O contain the flames and prevent them from spreading to nearby structures. Unfortunately, despite our efforts, the building suffered extensive damage and eventually burned down completely.

Interviewer: That must have been a challenging situation for your team. What can you tell us about the injuries sustained during this incident?

Chief Müller: Yes, it was quite a challenging operation. We had five hotel employees who were injured, with some suffering from burn injuries and smoke inhalation. Tragically, two individuals had to jump from a window to escape the flames, resulting in broken bones. Our priority was to ensure everyone’s safety, and I’m thankful that there were no fatalities.

Interviewer: It’s a relief to hear that the situation did not result in loss of life. Has the cause of the fire been determined yet?

Chief Müller: As of now, the cause of the fire remains unclear, and the Kempten criminal police have launched an investigation. We are fully cooperating with their efforts to determine what ignited this unfortunate event.

Interviewer: What measures will be taken in the future to prevent such incidents from occurring at hotels in your area?

Chief Müller: We plan to conduct thorough inspections and meetings with hotel management to reinforce fire safety protocols. It’s crucial that all establishments are well-prepared for emergencies, and we’ll be emphasizing the importance of staff training and evacuation procedures.

Interviewer: Thank you, Chief Müller, for your insights and for the vital work you and your team do. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Chief Müller: Just a reminder to everyone—safety should always be the top priority. We encourage hotel staff and guests alike to stay informed about emergency procedures and to remain calm in the face of danger. Thank you for having me.

Interviewer: Thank you again, Chief Müller. We hope for a swift recovery for those injured and for the community affected by this fire.

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