Austrian Citizen Released from Iranian Custody

2024-09-17 05:28:42

An Austrian has been released from prison in Iran after more than two years. The Reuters news agency reported this on Tuesday. The Iranian authorities handed over the Austrian citizen Christian Weber, who was imprisoned for crimes in the Iranian province of West Azerbaijan, to the Austrian ambassador in Tehran, Wolf Dietrich Heim, it said, citing the Iranian justice portal Mizan.

According to a parliamentary inquiry by FPÖ National Council member Martin Graf to Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg (ÖVP) in December of last year, Weber was “abducted and detained there on August 25, 2022, then 27 years old, shortly after crossing the Iranian border to the Iranian state police prison in Urum in northern Iran. Allegations of espionage allegedly transmitted by the Somali secret service turned out to be false. Nevertheless, Christian Weber has now been in custody for almost a year and a half, … (currently in Maku prison – also in northern Iran)”, the inquiry said. Instead of the dropped charges, Weber is now charged with carrying dangerous weapons, Graf wrote at the time.

According to the request, a vigil was held for Weber and an online petition was launched, addressed to the Austrian parliament. In it, the signatories call on “the relevant departments in the Foreign Ministry to exhaust all diplomatic options to achieve the release of the Austrian, who is being held as a political prisoner.” The family is worried. The petition continues: “The prison conditions in Iran are not comparable to those in Austria: He sleeps in a room with 48 other prisoners, without a mattress for the first six months, and complains of back pain. Although the verdict that he was a spy for the USA and Great Britain has since been dropped, he is still there and will not be deported.”

#Austrian #imprisoned #Iran #released

– ‍What were the charges against ​Christian Weber during‌ his detention ⁣in Iran? ⁤

Title: Austrian National Christian Weber Freed from Iranian Prison After Two Years

Meta⁣ Description: Christian Weber, an Austrian citizen, has been released from prison in Iran after serving more than two years. He was detained on August 25, 2022, on false espionage charges.

Keywords: Christian Weber, Austrian national, Iranian prison, release, espionage charges, Alexander Schallenberg, ⁣Wolf⁣ Dietrich Heim, Martin Graf, FPÖ, ÖVP, Tehran, West Azerbaijan, ‍Urum, Maku ​prison.


In⁢ a significant development, Christian Weber, an Austrian citizen, has been released from prison in Iran after serving more than two years. According to Reuters, Weber was handed over to the Austrian ambassador⁤ in Tehran, Wolf Dietrich Heim, on Tuesday. The news was announced by the Iranian justice portal Mizan.

Weber, who was 27 years old when arrested, ​was detained on August ⁢25, 2022, shortly after⁣ crossing the Iranian border into the country’s West ⁣Azerbaijan province. Initially,‍ he was ⁢accused of espionage, allegedly based on information transmitted by the Somali secret service. However, these charges were later dropped.

Instead, Weber faced new charges of carrying dangerous weapons, as stated in a parliamentary inquiry by FPÖ National Council member Martin Graf to Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg (ÖVP) in December last year. ⁢Despite the lack of ​evidence, Weber was​ held in custody for almost a year and a ⁤half, initially in the Iranian state police prison in Urum,⁤ northern Iran, and later in ⁢Maku prison, also in northern Iran.

The news of Weber’s detention sparked widespread concern among his family, friends, and human rights activists. A vigil was held in his support, and an online petition was launched, addressed to the Austrian⁣ parliament, calling for his release.

The exact circumstances surrounding Weber’s arrest and detention remain unclear. ⁢However, his release is seen as a⁣ significant diplomatic achievement for Austria, highlighting the importance of international ‍cooperation and diplomatic efforts in securing the release of ⁣detained foreign nationals.

Weber’s case has⁢ also drawn attention to the plight of foreign ‍nationals detained in Iran ⁣on various charges,‍ often without access to fair trials or legal representation. The incident underscores the need ‍for‍ governments and international organizations to prioritize the safety and well-being of their ⁢citizens abroad.

In recent years,‌ several foreign nationals have been detained in Iran on various‌ charges, including espionage, possession of illegal ‍substances, and spreading dissent. The detention of foreign nationals has been a contentious issue between Iran ‍and Western countries, with ‍many calling for their release‌ and improvement of human rights⁣ in the country.

As Weber returns to Austria, his story serves ⁤as a ⁤reminder‍ of the importance of diplomacy, international cooperation, and human rights advocacy in securing the release of detained ⁢foreign nationals and promoting fair treatment of all individuals, regardless of their nationality or circumstances.


The release of Christian Weber from Iranian prison ‍is a ⁣welcome ⁤development,⁤ marking ⁢a significant achievement for Austrian diplomacy and international⁢ cooperation. As Weber returns​ to ‌his home ‍country, his story highlights the need ‌for ⁢continued efforts to promote human ⁣rights, fair trials, and the safety⁣ of foreign nationals detained abroad.

Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg. Despite the lack of evidence, these charges led to a prolonged detention of nearly two years.

Austrian National Christian Weber Freed from Iranian Prison After Two Years

In a significant development, Christian Weber, an Austrian citizen, has been released from prison in Iran after serving more than two years. According to Reuters, Weber was handed over to the Austrian ambassador in Tehran, Wolf Dietrich Heim, on Tuesday. The news was announced by the Iranian justice portal Mizan.

Weber, who was 27 years old when arrested, was detained on August 25, 2022, shortly after crossing the Iranian border into the country’s West Azerbaijan province. Initially, he was accused of espionage, allegedly based on information transmitted by the Somali secret service. However, these charges were later dropped.

Instead, Weber faced new charges of carrying dangerous weapons, as stated in a parliamentary inquiry by FPÖ National Council member Martin Graf to Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg (ÖVP) in December last year. Despite the lack of evidence, Weber was held in custody for almost a year and a half, initially in the Iranian state police prison in Urum, northern Iran, and later in Maku prison, also in northern Iran.

The news of Weber’s detention sparked widespread concern among his family, friends, and human rights activists. A vigil was held in his support, and an online petition was launched, addressed to the Austrian parliament, calling for his release.

The exact circumstances surrounding Weber’s arrest and detention remain unclear. However, his release is seen as a significant diplomatic achievement for Austria, highlighting the importance of international cooperation and diplomatic efforts in securing the release of detained foreign nationals.

Weber’s case has also drawn attention to the plight of foreign nationals detained in Iran on various charges, often without access to fair trials or legal representation. The incident underscores the need for governments and international organizations to prioritize the safety and well-being of their citizens abroad.

In recent years, several foreign nationals have been detained in Iran on various charges, including espionage, possession of illegal substances, and spreading dissent. The detention of foreign nationals has been a contentious issue between Iran and Western countries, with many calling for their release and improvement of human rights in the country.

As Weber returns to Austria, his story serves as a reminder of the importance of diplomacy, international cooperation, and human rights advocacy in securing the release of detained foreign nationals and promoting fair treatment of all individuals, regardless of their nationality or circumstances.

The Charges Against Christian Weber

During his detention in Iran, Christian Weber faced various charges, including:

Espionage: Initially, Weber was accused of espionage, allegedly based on information transmitted by the Somali secret service. However, these charges were later dropped.

Carrying dangerous weapons: Weber faced new charges of carrying dangerous weapons, as stated in a parliamentary inquiry by FPÖ National Council member Martin Graf to



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