Austria: Linz warns residents of blackout

Power failure crisis scenario

Blackout fear in Austria – Linz is now warning its residents with a poster

According to some experts, a blackout is only a matter of time. For this reason, the Austrian city of Linz is already preparing for a possible crisis scenario.


The Austrian city of Linz is warning its residents of an impending blackout.

  • The current energy supply situation is precarious.

  • Experts are therefore warning of an imminent blackout.

  • In Austria, some authorities and companies are already working on a concept for a possible crisis scenario.

The ongoing energy crisis should soon really be felt: According to some experts, it is no longer a question of whether there will be a blackout, but only when. The Austrian city of Linz takes this to heart and informs its residents about the possible Consequences of a blackoutas reported by

In the past few months, the city of Linz has drawn up its own concept for emergencies. As part of this initiative, she put up six posters and also put the most important information online. There is already a common warning and alarm system throughout Austria and local contact points are ready for use in an emergency.

The Spar supermarket chain also fears a blackout

The city of Linz is not alone in its fear of a possible blackout that may be imminent. That too Crisis management of the Spar supermarket chain in Austria has already prepared for a widespread power blackout – already in July of last year.

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In consultation with the government, Spar’s crisis management has defined work instructions for the entire workforce in the event of a widespread power failure. “We are preparing the workforce and the company for all possible scenarios, including a blackout,” said Spar spokesman Lukas Wiesmüller in July 2022.

First signs of a blackout?

A test run in the event of a possible blackout has already taken place in the recent past: a power failure paralyzed two districts of Vienna on Wednesday afternoon. According to Wiener Netze, around 350 households in Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus and Ottakring were affected by the failure. The lights and hair dryer were also off in the Stadthallenbad. However, this blackout is most likely not related to the ongoing energy crisis. The technicians are currently assuming that a defective transformer was the trigger.

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