Australia’s Best Unseen Pink Lake Lake Hillier

if talking regarding Australia Then many people will think of kangaroos, koalas or Sydney, but we want to say that Australia is not just that. Follow us. Unseen Australia together Lake Hillier Pink Lake pink lake Just like fresh strawberry milk!

Lake Hillier Pink Lake Australia Extreme Unseen

Lake Hillier This property is located on an island located on Middle Island which is the largest of the islands and small islands combined into Recherche Archipelago Islands It’s in the west of Australia.

Here is a salt lake. With a length of regarding 600 meters and a width of regarding 250 meters, and is the Unseen place in Australia that many people want to see with their own eyes once. because this lake is Pink Lake ! And although there are many pink lakes in the world, Lake Hillier differs from other pink lakes in that the water in the lake is actually pink. It’s not caused by sediments, reflections, or algae in the water like we’ve seen.

When the water in the lake was put in a bottle will get clear pink water And it will stay pink like this forever until scientists are stunned by each other anyway.

why the lake is pink ?

There is an assumption that pink lake This was caused by The only creatures that inhabit Lake Hillier are Dunaliella Salina It is the microorganism that causes the salt content in the lake to produce a red dye. until causing the pink color to appear

And another hypothesis is that the pink color comes from red halophilic bacteria. in salt flakes Because the area around The lake was covered with salt flakes. and there are dense trees Even if there is an unusual color But the lake has no harmful effects on humans. allowing us to swim in this lake as well Although the level of salt is high compared to the level of salt in dead sea (Dead Sea)

Getting to Pink Lake, Lake Hillier, Australia

for travel to This pink lake, Lake Hillier, Australia is a bit difficult. because it is a small island And the lake is also surrounded by sandy beaches. The dense forests of paperbark and eucalyptus make access to most lakes. It was with a helicopter.

travel australia Other interesting



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