Australian senator scolds King Charles: ‘You are not my king’ – NOS

EPASenator Thorpe during her rant

NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 07:26

During his visit to the Australian parliament, an Australian senator delivered a tirade against British King Charles.

After a speech by the British king, native Lidia Thorpe walked to the podium and shouted: “This is not your country. You have committed genocide on our people. Give us back our country. Give us what you stole from us: our bones , our skulls, our babies, our people. You have destroyed our country.”

Thorpe, 51, was eventually led away from the venue by security guards while shouting “you’re not my king”. King Charles and Australian Prime Minister Albanese did not respond to the outburst and did not later refer to the incident.

Thorpe received little support from the audience:

British King Charles accused of genocide by Australian senator

Thorpe is an independent senator for the state of Victoria and has long advocated full independence from Australia. She is of Aboriginal origin.

In 2022, she made the news when she called Queen Elizabeth a colonizer while taking the oath in parliament. “I pledge allegiance to Her Colonizing Majesty Queen Elizabeth II,” she said with a raised fist during the ceremony, before being asked to repeat the oath without that language.

Australia became independent in 1901 after more than a hundred years as a British colony. However, the British monarch remained the head of state and so Charles is still king. A recent poll showed that 45 percent of the population supports the monarchy, 33 percent favors a republic and the rest have no preference.

Senator Thorpe’s Outburst: A Royal Ruckus in Australia

Ah, the Australian Parliament! Where the debates can get a bit more colorful than a kangaroo in a paint shop. Recently, we witnessed a particularly spicy episode courtesy of independent Senator Lidia Thorpe, who decided to take her dissatisfaction with King Charles straight to the podium—and boy, did she have a lot to say!

After the British monarch’s speech, Thorpe stormed the stage like a contestant on a game show determined to steal the prize: “This is not your country. You have committed genocide on our people. Give us back our country. Give us what you stole from us: our bones, our skulls, our babies, our people. You have destroyed our country.” Now, that’s a mic drop moment, if I ever heard one! You can almost hear the collective gasp rippling through the Parliamentary air like a shockwave through a pack of startled wallabies.

Of course, the security squad quickly whisked her away, likely wondering if maybe they should install a “Do Not Disturb” sign for future royal visits. But it wasn’t without its comedic flair, as Thorpe continued to shout, “You’re not my king!” as she was led out. There’s something about being escorted out of a building while defying royalty that’s just cheekily amusing, isn’t it?

“You’re not my king!” – Lidia Thorpe, probably making a few security guards snicker.

But let’s unpack this a bit, shall we? Thorpe isn’t just your run-of-the-mill senator; she’s a fierce advocate for Aboriginal rights and has long been a proponent of Australia breaking those royal ties altogether. And speaking of ties, it seems King Charles might want to reconsider a few fashion choices after being accused of genocide. Not quite the royal “sparkle and shimmer” you’d expect at such gatherings!

Now, it’s important to remember that Australia was officially a British colony for over a century before gaining independence in 1901. But despite the change in governance, the British monarch has remained the head of state—this is like finding out that the previous tenants of your house have a key and still pop round for tea now and again. It might make you a tad uncomfortable, to say the least!

In case you’re wondering how Australians feel about this, a recent poll revealed that 45% support the monarchy, with only 33% in favor of a republic, while the rest are just enjoying the ride without a preference—perhaps they’re just waiting for the next national barbecue to come along!

Let’s not forget Thorpe’s previous antics. In 2022, she captured headlines when she pledged allegiance to “Her Colonizing Majesty Queen Elizabeth II” with a raised fist, channeling a vibe more reminiscent of a protest rally than a parliamentary oath. It’s like she was saying, “I’m here to remind you: your majesty, for all your tiaras and tea time, your history is a little on the troublesome side, don’t you think?”

In conclusion, while Senator Thorpe may not have won a popularity contest with that outburst, it undoubtedly achieved what she set out to do: spark conversation. Whether you agree with her methods or not, she has a knack for making sure her voice is heard above the royal noise, and boy, it’s a cacophony worth paying attention to! After all, the land Down Under isn’t just filled with breathtaking beaches and strange wildlife; it’s also rich with the voices of its people, demanding recognition and respect.

So, here’s to Lidia Thorpe—a true gem in the Australian Parliament crown, making sure no one forgets the past while we awkwardly celebrate the present. Now, can someone pass the popcorn? This is going to be a show we don’t want to miss!



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