Australia Urged to Participate in Ukraine’s Rebuilding and Landmine Clearance Initiatives

With David Hurley, the president discussed bilateral relations between Lithuania and Australia, economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, support for Ukraine, the partnership between Australia and NATO, the Presidency announced on Friday.

According to the report, views were exchanged at the meeting on further efforts to isolate Russia in the international arena, to continue the policy of sanctions, which diminishes the military potential of the aggressor.

“In today’s geopolitical reality, when the forces of evil are coordinating their efforts to attack and destroy freedom-loving societies around the world, the security of the Euro-Atlantic, Indian and Pacific regions is closely related,” said G. Nausėda. – Therefore, Lithuania highly values ​​the military, political and humanitarian support provided by Australia to Ukraine, which is experiencing military aggression. The entire free world must rally for Ukraine’s victory. Only it will deter other potential aggressors in the world from being tempted to repeat the precedent set by Russia.”

The partnership between the Alliance and India and the countries of the Pacific Ocean strengthened at the NATO Vilnius Summit was discussed at the meeting, which strengthens the security of the whole world and the international order based on rules.

According to the presidency, the common interest of both regions in reducing dependence on the Chinese market, the importance of cooperation in creating resilient supply chains of the most important technologies and materials was noted.

G. Nausėda emphasized that the strengthening cooperation between Lithuania and Australia opens up extremely large opportunities for investment and trade, primarily in the fields of life sciences, financial technologies, and the defense industry.

“The head of the country expressed his belief that the large Lithuanian business and higher education delegation that came to Australia together with him will help establish and develop mutually beneficial economic and academic relations,” the report states.

The meeting also discussed the progress of negotiations on bilateral agreements between Lithuania and Australia, which would strengthen opportunities to develop business projects, student exchanges, public relations.

On Friday, G. Nausėda and the first lady Diana Nausėdienė ended their visit to Australia by meeting with representatives of Lithuanian communities in Australia in Canberra.

The President thanked them for fostering Lithuania, preserving historical memory and expressed the hope that this meeting and talks will be a great incentive for meaningful discussions on fostering Lithuania in Australia and future plans.

“Each of you is very necessary for Lithuania and welcome. I invite you to be active creators of Lithuania – both to return to live, study or work, and to contribute to the well-being of our country with your ideas, insights, experience, contacts, and investments. Let’s create connections, let’s create schools, let’s create experiences”, the head of the country told Australian Lithuanians.

In a meeting with representatives of the communities, the President awarded the medal of the Order “For Services to Lithuania” to Australian Lithuanian Viktoras Adams – a former member of the Lithuanian Regional Council of Australia, a journalist, a long-time promoter of the Lithuanian language, Lithuanian national traditions, Lithuanian national identity, and patriotism in the Lithuanian diaspora in Australia. The head of the country thanked V. Adams for fostering our national identity.

According to the head of the country, the solution of the citizenship issue in the 2024 referendum is also important for preserving the connection of Lithuanians abroad with Lithuania. The President was happy that next year, Lithuanian citizens will be able to vote in the elections for the first time at the Lithuanian Embassy in Canberra, and encouraged Australian Lithuanians to actively participate in expressing their civic will.

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#Nausėda #invited #Australia #contribute #reconstruction #demining #projects #Ukraine
2024-09-16 11:58:31

– What are⁣ the key outcomes of President Nausėda’s ⁢meeting with Australian leaders? ⁤

Lithuania and Australia Strengthen‍ Ties: President Nausėda ​Meets with Australian Leaders

In a significant diplomatic ‌move, Lithuanian ​President⁤ Gitanas Nausėda met with Australian leaders, including President​ David Hurley, to discuss bilateral relations, economic ⁢cooperation, and regional‌ security. The meeting, which took place ‌on Friday, marked a crucial step forward⁤ in ​strengthening ties between the⁢ two nations.

Boosting Economic Cooperation

During the meeting, President Nausėda emphasized the importance of strengthening economic ‍cooperation between Lithuania ​and Australia. He highlighted the potential ⁣for investment and trade in fields such as life⁣ sciences, financial technologies, and the⁢ defense​ industry. The President expressed his ‍belief ‍that the ​large Lithuanian business and higher education delegation ⁤that accompanied him to Australia would ‌help establish and develop mutually beneficial⁣ economic and ⁤academic relations.

Support ‍for⁤ Ukraine

The meeting also focused on the ongoing situation in Ukraine, with ⁢both parties reaffirming their support for the ‍country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. President Nausėda thanked Australia for its military, political, and humanitarian support to Ukraine, which is facing Russian aggression. He emphasized that the entire free world must rally ⁤behind‍ Ukraine’s victory, as it would deter ‍other⁣ potential aggressors from following​ Russia’s precedent.

Regional Security

The partnership ⁢between Australia and NATO, as well as the strengthening of ⁤security in the Euro-Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific regions, was also discussed during the meeting.⁢ President Nausėda stressed the importance ‌of ⁢cooperation in creating resilient supply chains of critical technologies and materials, reducing dependence on the⁤ Chinese market.

Strengthening Bilateral Ties

The meeting also touched on the progress of negotiations on bilateral agreements between Lithuania and Australia, which⁤ would strengthen opportunities for business projects,⁤ student exchanges, and‍ public relations. President Nausėda expressed his hope that these agreements would⁣ pave the way for closer cooperation between the two nations.

Lithuanian Communities in Australia

Following the meeting, President Nausėda and First Lady Diana Nausėdienė met with representatives of Lithuanian⁣ communities in Australia in Canberra. The President⁣ thanked them for preserving historical memory and fostering Lithuania, and expressed his hope that this ⁣meeting would inspire⁤ meaningful⁣ discussions on fostering Lithuania in Australia and future ‍plans.

Awarding the Order “For Services to Lithuania”

During the meeting with‌ Lithuanian ⁣communities, President Nausėda awarded‌ the medal of the Order “For Services to Lithuania” to ‌Australian Lithuanian Viktoras Adams,⁤ a former member of the Lithuanian Regional Council of Australia, a journalist, and⁣ a long-time promoter of the Lithuanian language, national traditions,⁣ and national identity.

Citizenship Issue and ⁣Voting Rights

President⁤ Nausėda also highlighted ⁢the importance of resolving the citizenship issue in the 2024 referendum,​ which would allow Lithuanians abroad to maintain their connection ⁣with Lithuania. He announced that, for the first time, Lithuanian citizens would be able to vote in elections at‌ the ⁤Lithuanian Embassy​ in Canberra, and encouraged Australian Lithuanians ​to‌ actively participate in ‍expressing their civic ⁢will.

This meeting marks a significant step ​forward in strengthening ties​ between Lithuania and Australia, and⁤ demonstrates the commitment of both nations to promoting regional security, economic cooperation, ⁣and cultural exchange.

Keywords: Lithuania, ‌Australia,​ bilateral relations, economic cooperation, regional security, Ukraine, NATO, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, diplomacy, international relations, Gitanas Nausėda, David⁣ Hurley.

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I apologize, but the provided content is not related to the HTML

tag. The content appears to be a news article discussing the meeting between the President of Lithuania and the President of Australia, covering topics such as bilateral relations, economic cooperation, support for Ukraine, and the partnership between Australia and NATO.

However, if you would like, I can assist you in writing a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of the

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Here is a sample article:


Tag in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


tag is one of the most commonly used elements in HTML, playing a crucial role in structuring and organizing content on the web. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of

tags, exploring their purpose, syntax, and usage in HTML documents.

What is the



tag, short for “division,” is a generic container element used to group together other HTML elements and apply styles, layout, and formatting to them. It is a block-level element, meaning it takes up the full width of its parent element and starts on a new line.


The basic syntax of the

tag is as follows:

Content goes here



tag supports a range of attributes that enable developers to customize its behavior and appearance. Some of the most commonly used attributes include:

id: assigns a unique identifier to the


class: assigns one or more CSS classes to the


style: applies inline styles to the


align: specifies the alignment of the

element (e.g., left, right, center)



tag has a wide range of applications in HTML documents, including:

Creating layout structures, such as headers, footers, and sidebars

Grouping together related content, such as images, text, and links

Applying styles and formatting to a section of content

Creating responsive layouts using CSS media queries

Building interactive elements, such as accordions and tabs

Best Practices

When using the

tag, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure accessibility, readability, and maintainability. Some key considerations include:

Using meaningful IDs and classes to facilitate CSS styling and JavaScript manipulation

Avoiding excessive nesting of

elements to improve performance and simplify coding

Ensuring proper semantic structure by using headings, paragraphs, and other HTML elements where appropriate



tag is a versatile and powerful element in the HTML toolkit, offering a range of possibilities for structuring and styling content. By understanding its purpose, syntax, and usage, developers can unlock the full potential of the

tag and create rich, engaging, and accessible web experiences.



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