Australia announced to reduce the number of foreign students – World

After the United Kingdom and Canada, Australia has also announced measures to reduce the number of foreign students and other persons. Australian authorities say that the country’s education system is overburdened by foreign students. The influx of foreign students increases the income but the infrastructure is also affected and a lot has to be spent to keep it strong.

Australia’s Minister of Education, Jason Clare, says that 145,000 seats have been reserved for foreign students in public universities, while 95,000 seats have been reserved for professional education and training institutions. The number of seats reserved for foreign students in non-government sector universities is 30,000.

Jason Clare says that the government wants to limit the number of foreign students to 270 thousand in 2025. The Australian media has explained the reason for the change in the government policy regarding foreign students, saying that the income of the government and non-government educational institutions has increased with the arrival of foreign students, so that accommodating the large number of visitors is also a fundamental problem.

It should be remembered that Canada has also taken measures to discourage those who come for the purpose of education and work. The Canadian government has recently announced conditions for those on temporary work visas to discourage primary visa applicants.