Aura Kasih’s Tips for Managing Anxiety Disorder: Education, Spirituality, and Social Media Intake

2023-05-21 08:34:08


Aura Kasih admitted that he had suffered from anxiety disorder or a mental disorder that caused excessive anxiety and fear. Aura also said that social media intake is very important to avoid these disturbances.

“Oh anxiety disorder. Yes, the issue of Gen Z children is more about mental health. Because it’s important to input input from social media, we have to filter it, we don’t have to digest everything, it has to be filtered,” said Aura Kasih when met at Studio Trans 7.

According to Aura’s statement, education and spirituality are also important things to reduce mental illness. However, to calm down, Aura admitted trying to increase spirituality.

“Actually, from a spiritual and educational point of view, it’s important. Yes, I personally am more spiritual, just try to calm down so that anxiety disorders don’t appear,” he said.

When asked whether she had gone to a psychologist or psychiatrist to cure her illness, Aura admitted that she had not had the chance. But Aura said he talked a lot with his friends who have hypnotherapy skills.

“Not yet. Because many of my friends have hypnotherapy, so I chat and share with them, I just read a lot of books. Yes, I’m just trying to filter the input,” he said.

Asked whether the pain was still recurring, Aura admitted that she was trying to work around this. Especially about the positive activities he does, such as painting to meditation.

“Sometimes it’s just more of a trust issue. For mental health I just try to get around it. Yes, there must be a lot of input selection. Yes, reading books, lots of activities, painting. I like to paint, it’s the same as meditating so that the anxiety doesn’t recur. Anxiety is not a matter of silence and empty thoughts, but playing music and painting is more imaginative and it can distract negative thoughts into excited,” he explained.

Apart from that, tips from Aura to get rid of anxiety disorder, is that you have to have someone to talk to. According to him, should not be prestige with the pain suffered.

“First, we have to have friends to chat with. We can’t be prestige because we have to be aware that there’s something inside ourselves. Second, find a place to talk. Yes, there will be discussions. Talk more. Lastly, add more positive or good input,” he said.

Watch Video “Aura Kasih Conveys Her Struggle to Be a Single Parent


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