“Aunt Ureta’s Funny Comment on Nice to Meet You Leaves Neme Confused: Watch the Hilarious Moment Here”

2023-05-23 21:10:30

This Tuesday the journalist Aunt Ureta was invited to the morning Nice to meet you following confirming that he joined Mega, following his departure from Channel 13.

In the middle of the communicator’s conversation with the drivers Karen Doggenweiler and José Antonio Neme, Tita launched a particular comment that left Neme confused.

It all happened when the animators they invited her to visit the morning studio more often, now that it was going to be part of the channel. “This program needs a little oxygen,” said the driver.

“I’m happy, but It also depends on you because it is in your housethumbs up?” Tita replied.

Neme still scares me a littleeveryone is afraid, ”confessed the journalist, while the driver asked her why.

After this, Emeterio Ureta’s daughter upset the drivers by telling a funny anecdote: “I’m going to tell you the truth, today I sent my best friend a message, (…) he told me ‘I love Neme, I love love it’, and I say “why?’ and he tells me ‘because he eats all the politicians’. I said ‘that!’”

“And he told me ‘no, who eats them because he turns them around”, Tita explained, unleashing laughter from everyone in the studio.

For her part, Neme took the comment humorously and joked that “’It eats everything that moves!‘ said the other, there it is.

Tita then, while the drivers laughed, explained that “he said that you eat them with shoes, you turn them around. the term is different”.

After this, Karen launched a funny joke regarding her marriage to Marco Enríquez-Ominami. “Friend, I also ate a politician!”, expressed the driver, unleashing the laughter of her companions.

Watch the moment here:

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#eats #everyone.. #Tita #Uretas #comment #upset #Neme



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