August 4: what is today’s holiday, name day, traditions, omens

Source: Letters

On August 4, Ukraine celebrates the Day of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Believers also honor the memory of the holy seven martyrs of Ephesus. In the world, today is International Day of Forgiveness and International Smoke Leopard Day.

Day of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: every year is celebrated on the first Sunday of August. The holiday was established in 2007 in accordance with the decree of the President of Ukraine and appeared as a result of the unification of the Air Defense Forces and the Air Force into the modern Air Force of Ukraine.

International Day of Forgiveness: a global initiative celebrated annually on the first Sunday of August. The idea of ​​the International Day of Forgiveness belongs to Robert Plath from California. He saw how forgiveness can change people’s lives and decided to create a holiday dedicated to this theme. On this day, people try to let go of all resentment, anger and disappointment.

International Smoke Leopard Day: a date dedicated to one of the most unusual and vulnerable members of the feline family. Smoky leopards, with their unusual mottled fur that resembles smoke, are endangered. Due to deforestation and poaching, the population of smoky leopards is rapidly decreasing. International Smoked Leopard Day promotes the joining of efforts of scientists, zoos, NGOs and local communities to protect this species.

On this day in the world:

  • 1408 — the first chronicle mention of the city of Mena, Chernihiv region.
  • 1492 – Christopher Columbus’s expedition to find the shortest sea route to India began.
  • 1578 – the Battle of Alcácer-Kibira took place, in which the Moroccan-Ottoman forces defeated the forces of the Moroccan-Portuguese alliance.
  • 1687 — Ivan Mazepa was elected Hetman of the Left Bank (Left Bank of Ukraine).
  • 1693 – the French monk Dom Pérignon (Pierre “Dom” Pérignon) discovered the secret of making champagne.
  • 1777 — retired dragoon Philip Astley opened the world’s first circus in London.
  • 1783 – the Treaty of St. George was concluded. The Georgian kingdom came under the protectorate of the Russian Empire.
  • 1914 – the Combat Command of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen was created – the organizational and coordination center of the USS Legion.
  • 1914 — the Union for the Liberation of Ukraine (SVU) was created in Lviv, headed by Dmytro Dontsov.
  • 1922 – during the funeral of telephone inventor Alexander Bell in North America, 13 million telephones were turned off for a minute.
  • — Enver Pasha, the founder of the Young Turks movement, was killed in the Bukhara Emirate occupied by the Bolsheviks in a battle with the Ch.A. units.
  • 1926 — the first traffic lights in London were installed on Piccadilly Square.
  • 1934 — the first blast furnace was launched at Kryvorizhstal.
  • 1962 — imprisonment of the leader of the African National Congress, Nelson Mandela, he spent 28 years in prison.
  • 1995 — Operation “Storm” began in Croatia against Serbian separatists, which lasted until August 7.
  • 2020 — explosions in the port of Beirut.

What is the church holiday today:

August 4 in the church calendar is the day of commemoration of the holy seven martyrs of Ephesus, who are also called the seven sleeping youths. The Seven Martyrs of Ephesus were young Christians who lived in the city of Ephesus (modern Turkey) in the 3rd century. During the persecution of Christians, they hid in a cave to avoid martyrdom. Emperor Decius, having learned about their location, ordered to wall up the entrance to the cave so that they would die of hunger and thirst. However, the Lord gave them a dream that lasted almost two centuries. During the reign of Emperor Theodosius the Younger (408-450), when disputes arose about the resurrection of the dead, the Lord awakened the youths to witness the truth of the resurrection.

Signs and traditions:

  • If there is fog over the forest, there will be many mushrooms.
  • If it rains in the morning, autumn will come early.
  • If there are many raspberries, there will be a lot of wheat.
  • Good weather portends a good November.

Name days are celebrated today:

Oleksiy, Andriy, Denis, Dmytro, Ivan, Konstantin, Kuzma, Mykhailo, Semen, Daryna, Iryna.



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