August 30: public holiday, paid day off

The day of August 30 of each year will henceforth be a public holiday, paid and dedicated to the ceremony commemorating the National Liberation Day throughout the territory of the Gabonese Republic, in accordance with the decree published since February 15, 2024, following the Council of Ministers of January 23, 2024. This date marks the seizure of power by the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI), following the coup d’état or “liberation coup” according to popular demand, which cost Ali Bongo Ondimba the presidency and 55 years of reign to the Gabonese Democratic Party (PDG).

August 30, 2023 at Carrefour Rio in Libreville ©

The expenses relating to the organization of the National Liberation Day are covered by the State budget, we can read in the decree establishing the said day, whose regulatory texts determine the provisions of all kinds, necessary for its application, it is specified.

This day will therefore mark with a white stone an event and a historic date which is part of the official agenda of republican ceremonies, the main references of which are, in order of magnitude and importance, August 17 (National Independence Day) and August 9 (National Flag Day).

The effective takeover by the defense and security forces on August 30, 2023, had sparked an unprecedented wave of emotion and popular enthusiasm among the Gabonese populations who, for almost a year now, have started dreaming again of a real rise towards happiness; as well as regained dignity and pride.

The Grand Master of the National Order of Liberation © DR

It was announced on Monday, during the flag-raising ceremony at the presidency of the republic, following its creation on July 31, the institution from the ”National Order of Liberation” which aims “to reward individuals or military and civilian communities who distinguished themselves in the action of the liberation coup”a-t-on appris.

On this occasion, the president of the transition, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma, was elevated to the rank of ”Grand Master of the National Order of Liberation”in the presence of an audience of civil and military personalities, including dignitaries of the republic among whom Paul Biyoghé Mba, one of the barons and vice-president of the PDG, the very first Prime Minister of the former overthrown president, Ali Bongo Ondimba.

Alph’-Whilem Eslie

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2024-08-06 14:05:35
#August #public #holiday #paid #day



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