August 27, 1948: Austria joins the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund

2023-08-26 22:53:17

1648: Day of the Barricades in Paris: revolt of the masses against the absolutist government of Queen Mother Anne of Austria and First Minister Cardinal Jules Mazarin.
1783: The French physicist Jacques-Alexandre César Charles launched the first hydrogen-filled balloon (“Charlière”) impregnated with a rubber solution in Paris. The unmanned balloon descends in the village of Gonesse, where terrified peasants destroy the unknown flying object with pitchforks.
1828: Uruguay’s sovereignty is confirmed in the Peace of Rio de Janeiro between Uruguay and Brazil.
1883: The island volcano Krakatau in the Sunda Strait explodes, a tidal wave up to 20 meters high kills 36,000 people.
1928: The Kellogg-Briand Pact outlawing war is signed in Paris by 15 countries.
1938: The German chief of staff, Ludwig Beck, resigns because he rejects Hitler’s deployment plan to smash Czechoslovakia. His successor is Franz Halder.
1938: The leader of the Sudeten German People’s Party, Konrad Henlein, proclaims the “right of self-defence for Sudeten Germans”. The German Embassy in Prague raises an official protest against the “insult to German soldiers” by the Czechoslovak press.
1948: Austria joins the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
1953: Pope Pius XII concludes a new concordat with Franco-Spain, which grants the authoritarian regime a say in all bishop appointments. The church receives extensive privileges.
1953: Premiere of William Wyler’s romance “A Heart and a Crown” in the USA: The hitherto unknown Audrey Hepburn becomes a world star. She plays a princess who must choose between her duties as heir to the throne and her love for a reporter (Gregory Peck).
1983: Four Arabs hijack a French airliner on the Vienna-Paris flight and only give up on August 31. in Tehran.
2003: A barrier collapses during a Hindu religious festival in western India, leading to stampede. Around forty people are trampled to death.

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birthdays: Lyndon B. Johnson, US President (1908-1973); Othmar Schneider, Austria hotelier and ski racer (1928-2012); Gatsha Buthelezi, South Africa. Zulu politician (1928); Bernhard Hüttenegger, Austria author (1948); Peter Stormare, Swedish actor (1953).
days of death: James Thomson, Scottish poet (1700-1748); Peter Mitterhofer, Austria inventor of the typewriter (1822-1893); Adolf Grimme, German teacher, former radio director (1889-1963); Edwin Loebenstein, East. lawyer (1911-1998); Pierre Poujade, French politician (1920-2003); Georg Schmid, Austria set designer (1928-1998); Josef Hesoun, Austria Politician; Social Affairs Minister 1990-1995 (1930-2003); Franz Häussler, Austria. theater director; 2002-2008 commercial Director General of the “Vereinigte Bühnen Wien” (1936-2018).
name days: Monika, Gebhard, Caesarius, Joseph, Agnes, Amadeus, Rufus, Werenfried.

#August #Austria #joins #World #Bank #International #Monetary #Fund

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