August 26, 1923: The Austrian conductor Erich Kleiber is appointed General Music Director of the Berlin State Opera

2023-08-25 22:37:11

1278: At Dürnkrut on the Marchfeld, King Rudolf I of Habsburg beats the Bohemian King Přemysl Ottokar II, who dies in battle.
1813: The Prussians inflict a defeat on the French on the Katzbach River (Lower Silesia).
1848: Prussia arbitrarily concludes the armistice of Malmö with Denmark and thus bypasses the Provisional Central Authority in Frankfurt, whose factual impotence is made clear to everyone.
1898: The first commercial radio messages are exchanged between the Rathlin lighthouse and a coast station in Ballycastle (Northern Ireland).
1923: The Austrian conductor Erich Kleiber is appointed General Music Director of the Berlin State Opera.
1938: The film “Die Frau am Scheideweg” with Magda Schneider in the title role has its premiere in Germany.
1938: The Trans-Iranian Railway is completed following eight years of construction.
1938: The Österreichische Postsparkasse is dissolved by decree of Adolf Hitler. Your tasks are transferred to the Postal Savings Bank Office of the Deutsche Reichspost.
1943: The German Wehrmacht reaches Stalingrad.
1948: Spain’s dictator General Franco meets for the first time on his yacht “Azor” with the exiled Bourbon pretender to the throne, the Count of Barcelona (son of King Alfonso XIII), to discuss the upbringing of his underage son, Prince Juan Carlos, who according to Franco’s wish, should one day become king.
1958: After a referendum with more than 80 percent yes votes, Alaska will become the 49th state in the USA.
1968: A keynote article in the Communist Party’s central organ, Renmin Ribao (People’s Daily), entitled “The Working Class Must Lead Everything!” the dominating role of the young “Red Guards” in the “Cultural Revolution” unleashed by party leader Mao Zedong is declared over in China. “Workers’ propaganda squads” are formed, the intelligentsia are to be “re-educated” through manual labor in the countryside.
1978: The Patriarch of Venice, Cardinal Albino Luciani, becomes Pope Paul VI’s successor in a short conclave. elected and takes the name of John Paul I.
1978: The GDR cosmonaut Sigmund Jähn takes off into space alongside the Soviet officer Valeri Bykowski on board “Soyuz 31”.
1988: In the Burmese capital Rangoon, more than half a million demonstrators are calling for a multi-party system. The new civilian President Maung Maung lifts martial law and promises a referendum on the dissolution of the military-run Socialist Unity Party.
1993: ÖVP MP Paul Burgstaller has come under fire for criticism because he is said to have advised Green Terezija Stoisits on the interior committee to put the microphone in his mouth and suck on it hard.
2003: The United States fails in the UN Security Council in its efforts to persuade other countries to provide Iraqi troops.
2008: After Moscow recognized the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev threatened a military response to the planned US missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic. The system is close to the Russian border and poses a threat, Medvedev said.
2008: Former world boxing champion Edip Sekowitsch is stabbed in front of his bar in Vienna. The perpetrator is caught and convicted.

birthdays: Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier, French chemist (1743-1794); Peggy Guggenheim, US art collector (1898-1979); Walter Bruno Henning, German linguist (1908-1967); Julius Döpfner, German Cardinal (1913-1976); Wolfgang Sawallisch, German conductor (1923-2013); Angelika Mechtel, German writer (1943-2000).
days of death: Ottokar II, King of Bohemia (1233-1278); Andrea Pisano, Italian sculptor (1290-1348); Kaspar (actually Andreas) Moosbrugger, Austrian-Swiss master builder (1656-1723); Ralph Vaughan Williams, British composer (1872-1958); Charles Boyer, US-Fr. actor (1899-1978); Rudolf Hartmann, German theater director (1900-1988); Frederick Reines, US physicist; Nobel Prize 1995 (1918-1998); Inge Borkh, German soprano (1921-2018); Neil Simon, US writer (1927-2018); Edip Sekowitsch, Austria Boxers (1958-2008).
name days: Gregor, Margareta, Wulfila, Zephyrin, Ingwald, Elisabeth, Patricia, Felix, Hadrian.

#August #Austrian #conductor #Erich #Kleiber #appointed #General #Music #Director #Berlin #State #Opera



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