August 24 is a church holiday, what should not be done on this day, so as not to cause problems in life

What church holiday is celebrated in Ukraine today according to the new calendar and to whom the believers pray – read in the material of


Today, August 24, in the Orthodox calendar the day of commemoration of the holy martyr Eutychius. He was one of the prominent disciples of the Apostle John the Theologian and lived in the first century. He was born in Sevastopol, in Asia Minor, and was noted for his special zeal for the Christian faith from childhood.

Eutychius was ordained a bishop by the apostle John and served in the city of Sevastia. He actively preached the Gospel, converted many pagans to Christianity, healed the sick and performed other miracles. In his work, Eutychius was constantly persecuted by the pagan authorities and was arrested and tortured several times.

During one of the persecutions, by order of Emperor Domitian, Eutychius was thrown into a boiling cauldron, but remained unharmed. This miracle so impressed many that many people converted to Christianity. After that, Eutychius was subjected to even more cruel tortures and was finally beheaded.

Signs of August 24

Folk signs on August 24 / Photo: Unsplash

  • Dark clouds covered the sun – it’s getting very cold.
  • Clear night – wait for warm weather.
  • Rain – until dry autumn.

What can’t be done today

It is very important to try not to touch sharp objects with which you can cut yourself. Also, try to use fire carefully. According to the omens, if you get injured or burned, it will bring problems in life.

What can be done today

Usually during this period, people went on a “quiet hunt”, because many mushrooms appeared in the forest. They also tried to pay attention to the weather, because it helped to predict what autumn would be like – rainy, dry or cool.

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