August 24, 2024: what a holiday, events, name day

August 24, 2024 is Thursday, the 913th day of the great war. What is today’s holiday, event or name day, PIK writes.

Today, Ukraine and the world celebrate:

  • Independence Day of Ukraine
  • International day against intolerance, discrimination and violence based on music preference, lifestyle and dress code.
  • International Weird Music Day.
  • International night of bats.

August 24 in the church calendar – the day of commemoration of the holy martyr Eutychius.

He was an early Christian saint, a disciple of the apostle Ivan the Theologian. He was born in Phrygia (modern Turkey) in the first century. After hearing about Christ, Eutychius became a disciple of the apostle John the Theologian, and later worked together with the apostle Paul. Eutychius was ordained bishop of Sebastia (now Samaria) in Palestine, where he actively preached the Gospel and destroyed idol temples. For his faith, he suffered numerous tortures and imprisonment. Some sources claim that he was martyred at the beginning of the 2nd century.

  • What are today’s birthdays: Arseny, George, Peter.

The talisman of a person born on August 24 isamazonite A mineral that captivates with its appearance. Amazonite has long been considered a symbol of relaxation.

Born on this day:

  • 1938 — Ukrainian opera singer Bohdan Basilikut;
  • 1971 — Ukrainian public relations specialist, media expert, journalist, editor, TV presenter, teacher Viktor Kovalenko;
  • 1974 — a soldier of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, a participant in the Russian-Ukrainian war, died in the battle near Georgiivka, Hero of Ukraine Serhii Bilous.

Calendar of important events in Ukraine and the world for August 24:

  • 79 – the eruption of Vesuvius takes place, due to which the cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabiae are buried under volcanic ash;
  • 410 — the Visigoths under the leadership of Alaric capture and plunder Rome;
  • 1471 – the Portuguese conquer Asila;
  • 1572 — Bartholomew’s Night, a massacre of Huguenots in the Kingdom of France;
  • 1853 – the first potato chips are produced;
  • 1941 — the main unit of the Special Operations Forces of the British Army SAS (Special Air Service) is created;
  • 1942 – the Battle of the Eastern Solomon Islands takes place between US and Japanese aircraft carriers during World War II;
  • 1949 — the treaty establishing NATO enters into force;
  • 1968 — France conducts its first nuclear weapons tests;
  • 1991 — the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR adopts the Act of Proclamation of Independence of Ukraine (Independence Day of Ukraine);
  • 1995 – Windows 95 is released;
  • 2006 — Pluto ceases to be considered a planet of the Solar System and becomes a dwarf planet;
  • 2006 — representatives of five Orthodox churches of Ukraine read the first joint prayer in St. Sophia Cathedral.

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