August 24, 1933: Construction of the Munich-Salzburg motorway section begins

2023-08-23 22:05:51

Under Thursday, August 24, the book of history records, among other things:

1848: In Vienna, the safety committee formed in May, which acted as the city government, is being dissolved. The conflict is caused by contrasts in the assessment of the “Prater Battle” from the previous day.
1857: A New York bank’s suspension of payments triggers an economic crisis that quickly spread to the entire world.
1893: The equestrian monument of Grand Duke Friedrich Franz II – a major work by the sculptor Ludwig Brunow – is unveiled in the Schwerin Palace Gardens.
1893: A major fire in Chicago leaves thousands homeless.
1898: Russia appealed to the world powers of the time to jointly reduce their armies.
1918: Italian planes attack Bozen and Gries.
1923: The German Chancellor Gustav Stresemann renewed the offer to the victorious powers to resume reparations payments with the guarantee of private industry.
1933: Construction of the Munich-Salzburg motorway section begins.
1938: State visit of the Hungarian Regent Admiral Nikolaus von Horthy in Germany with a large fleet parade in Kiel and launching of the cruiser “Prinz Eugen”.
1943: SS chief Heinrich Himmler also becomes German Reich Minister of the Interior. He takes over the post from Wilhelm Frick.
1953: The British colonial administration in Kenya calls on the Mau Mau underground movement to surrender.
1958: At a secret session of the Chinese Communist Party’s Politburo, Mao Tse Tung (Mao Zedong) presents his concept of an ideal equality society, which amounts to a “commune”. Resolution on the creation of the “People’s Commune” as the basic unit of the future society.
1968: France detonates its first hydrogen bomb over Mururoa Atoll in the South Pacific.
1993: Under pressure from the USA, the Bosnian Croat militia agrees to the supply of the 55,000 surrounded Muslim Bosniaks in the Herzegovinian capital Mostar.
1998: Russian President Boris Yeltsin proposes Viktor Chernomyrdin as the new prime minister.
2008: Eight climbers die in an ice fall on Mont Blanc. A Tyrolean mountain guide is also among the victims.
2008: The Austropop singer Hansi Lang dies at the age of 53 as a result of a stroke in the Vienna General Hospital. The singer of the “Hallucination Company” and “Dreamboat”, among others, recently had success with his “Slow Club”. He was part of the Austropop scene as a singer for decades, but was also active as an actor and author.

birthdays: Graham Sutherland, British painter (1903-1980); Jean-Michel Jarre, French composer (1948); Spyros Argiris, Greek conductor (1948-1996); Sauli Niinistö, Finnish politician; President since 2012 (1948); Steve Guttenberg, US actor (1958); Dave Chappelle, US comedian and actor (1973).
days of death: Alexander Baron Ungern-Sternberg, Austria. writer (1806-1868); Simone Weil, French philosopher (1909-1943); EG Marshall, US film actor (1914-1998); Sir Wilfred Thesiger, British Orientalist and Africanist (1910-2003); Hans Kutscher, German lawyer (1911-1993); Kurt Zips, Austria actor (1922-1988); Julie Harris, US actress (1925-2013); Toni Kaiser, Austria Entrepreneur (1945-2008); Hansi Lang, Austria Singer (1955-2008).
name days: Bartholomäus, Isolde, Rigomar, Michaela, Amadeus, Sandra, Emilia, Georg, Karl, Dietrich.

#August #Construction #MunichSalzburg #motorway #section #begins



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