August 13 is a church holiday, why is it forbidden to sleep on two pillows

August 13 is a church holiday, why is it forbidden to sleep on two pillows

What church holiday is celebrated in Ukraine today according to the new calendar and to whom the faithful pray – read in the material of

Today, August 13, in the Orthodox calendar the day of memory of Saint Maxim the Confessor. Maxim was born into a noble family in Constantinople. He received a thorough education, studying rhetoric, philosophy and theology. For some time he served in the imperial service, held the high position of secretary to Emperor Heraclius, but around 613 he went to a monastery, devoting his life to God.

Maximus became a monk in the Philippic monastery in Chrysopolis, where he engaged in theological research and writing works. His main activity consisted in the fight against monothelitism – a heresy that claimed that Christ had only one will (divine) and had no human will.

Maxim actively opposed monothelitism, arguing that Christ has two wills – divine and human, which is important for understanding His complete humanity and divinity. He participated in many debates and wrote numerous works to defend the orthodox Christian faith.

Maxim was arrested and subjected to brutal persecution for his views. He was tried and sentenced to exile, and then to severe corporal punishment. His right hand and tongue were cut off so that he could no longer write and preach. He died in exile in 662.

Maxim the Confessor left behind numerous theological works, including “Answers to Fallacies”, “Mystagogy” and “Ambigions”. His teachings had a huge impact on the development of Eastern Orthodox theology and were confirmed at the Sixth Ecumenical Council (680-681), where his views on the two wills of Christ were recognized as orthodox.

Signs of August 13

Folk signs on August 13 / Photo: Unsplash

  • It has started to rain – there will be a lot of snow in the winter.
  • An owl hoots all night – soon the weather will change.
  • Fog in the morning – to mushrooms.

What can’t be done today

On this day, it is forbidden to sleep on two pillows – otherwise a person will be lonely for the rest of his life. Also, our ancestors did not work. They believed that if you forget about this ban, there will be health problems.

What can be done today

They already started to prepare for winter, for example, took out warm things, inspected them, repaired them if necessary. They also removed all the tools that will no longer be needed until next spring.

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