August 12 is International Youth Day

The decision to establish August 12 as International Youth Day was adopted at the 1st session of the World Conference of Ministers on Youth Affairs.

The session took place in Lisbon in August 1998. This event was an important step in recognizing the role and importance of youth in the modern world.

Subsequently, on December 17, 1999, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution No. A/RES 54/120 I “Policies and Programs Involving Youth”, which officially declared August 12 as International Youth Day. The resolution also called for activities to raise awareness of the World Program of Action on Youth, adopted in 1995.

This day is a symbol of unity and support for youth initiatives and projects around the world. It reminds of the importance of involving young people in the processes of decision-making and development of society, promotes the development of their leadership qualities and expresses gratitude for their contribution to building the future.

Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 333/2021 dated July 28, 2021 established Youth Day in Ukraine with the aim of supporting the aspirations of Ukrainian youth to integrate into the European community, affirming the values ​​of democracy and freedom, as well as taking into account the initiative of youth organizations and movements.

Today, Ukrainian youth are volunteers and soldiers, study under sirens, help the weaker victims of the war, go to actions around the world against the war and the aggressor, raise funds for the army and new homes for those who have lost them.

Press service of the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

The Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Youth and Sports issues congratulates the youth of Ukraine, leaders and activists of youth and children’s public associations, youth workers on International Youth Day

On August 12, Ukraine, together with all democratic countries, celebrates International Youth Day. It is clear to the whole world that it is the youth who are the engine of progress, introduce new knowledge and technologies into the life of the country, make scientific discoveries, and initiate progressive reforms.

However, another component of youth policy is important for Ukraine. In February 2014 and in February 2022, it was Ukrainian young men and women who were the first to defend Ukraine’s independence, repelling the Russian aggressor and their henchmen. Young people stood in queues at territorial recruitment and social support centers to take part in the defense of their country – Ukraine. And in all the victories of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – the liberation of Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Sumy, Chernihiv, Kharkiv regions, the city of Kherson – there is a significant contribution of young servicemen.

Celebrating International Youth Day, we are obliged to remember thousands of young men and women who gave their lives for the sake of Victory, for the sake of their native land, for the sake of Ukraine! They did not have time to do everything in their lives, but they did the main thing – they stopped the enemy! These losses are irreparable! Their names will forever remain in the history of the Ukrainian people! Their contribution to Victory cannot be overestimated! Eternal memory to them!

Ukrainian youth also play a key role in the volunteer movement. Helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine, women and children who suffered from Russian aggression is also an important contribution to our Victory.

The successful performance of the national team of Ukraine at the Olympic Games in Paris was achieved by the efforts of young athletes. They trained in extremely difficult conditions, under Russian shelling, some of them were forced to leave their homes due to the Russian occupation. At the same time, Ukrainians competed on an equal footing with athletes from other countries, who had better training conditions, better material resources, etc. 12 Olympic medals were won: 3 gold, 5 silver, 4 bronze. But in these conditions, every medal is worth its weight in gold and inspires our soldiers to Victory.

We wish all young Ukrainians great luck, fulfillment of all dreams and wishes, realization of their talents in their native Ukraine, peace and the earliest Victory!

You are to restore Ukraine after the Victory, you are to build a new European state!

Press service of the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine



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