August 1 Ticker. For the first time, wrestlers roll in sawdust on the Rütli +++ Russia congratulates Switzerland despite sanctions.

In his speech on 1 August, Federal Councilor Alain Berset called for a constructive debate. Not only the diversity of languages ​​and cultures, but also that of ideas makes Switzerland strong, he said in Lucerne.

Festivals and traditions are important, said Berset, and described Lucerne as the most festival-loving city in Switzerland. Political culture also belongs to these traditions.

Berset criticized the fact that there was constant outrage, unfounded polemics and anger at people in the public eye on social media. There is no room for rapprochement, for dialogue and compromise.

According to Berset, approaching one another has become even more important in order to cope with major challenges such as war, scarcity, inflation, global warming or pension provision. The SP magistrate was optimistic. We all know that we mustn’t damage the political culture, he said.

Berset advocated not always being nice, but arguing about everything – but not endlessly. “The fact that we fight each other – and then pull ourselves together again” holds Switzerland together. “And that we drink a beer together after heated political debates”. But only one beer, said the health minister.

The celebration in front of the KKL Luzern began in the afternoon with folklore performances. There were no incidents.

There is no official federal celebration in the city of Lucerne. The celebration on Europaplatz, where Berset spoke, is carried out by the 31/07 association, which is close to the party.

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