August 1, 2023: New Changes in Electricity Prices, Receipts, Savings Accounts, and Back-to-School Allowance

2023-08-01 04:19:59

As at the beginning of each month, several measures which concern the portfolio or the daily life of the French come into force. Here is what will change from this Tuesday, August 1, 2023.

Electricity price

After a 15% increase in electricity prices last February, August 1 will be marked by a further increase.

With the gradual end of the tariff shield, the government has decided on a new change. The French will therefore see their bill increase since the rates will experience a 10% increase.

End of receipt

August 1 marks the end of the automatic paper receipt. These will no longer be systematically printed except in four cases.

Failure or cancellation of payment, weighed products, payment in certain vending machines and the legal guarantee ticket are not affected by this change.

Savings book rate

On August 1, the rates of certain savings books will change. The famous Livret A is concerned, but also the People’s Savings Book (LEP) and the Housing Savings Plan (PEL).

The Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, announced that the Livret A rate would be set at 3% until January 2025.

For LEP, the new rate will be 6% and the ceiling will change to 10,000 euros in October 2023 against 7,700 euros currently.

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Finally, the PEL will see its legal period of 4 years to release it suspended for energy renovation work.

Back-to-school allowance

August 1 will mark the start of the payment of the back-to-school allowance (ARS). This payment will be made in two stages.

From August 1, the ARS is paid to the households concerned in Mayotte and Reunion. Then from August 16, it is the homes of mainland France, Guadeloupe, Guyana and Martinique which will receive the ARS.

This allowance is conditional on household resources. It is paid to parents with children aged 6 to 18 who are in school.

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