Audi Brussels: PTB calls for government crisis meeting and convening of Parliament

The far-left party is also calling for the urgent development of a European plan for the production and transition to electric vehicles.

The federal government must hold a crisis meeting with the unions and parliament must be urgently convened following the announcement of the early cessation of production of the Q8 model at the Audi plant in Forest, the PTB argued on Wednesday.

This is an unacceptable decision. The workers at Audi Brussels were pioneers in building electric vehicles for the group. They have valuable expertise. The plant is at the cutting edge of technology. It must have a guaranteed future, and politics must put all its weight into the balance.“, believes its president, Raoul Hedebouw.

Read also | Audi announces plans to restructure its Brussels site, leading to social bloodbath among suppliers?

Measures must be taken to force the group to maintain an activity of manufacturing electric vehicles on the site. The trade unions must be involved, unlike the task force that had been set up and from which they were previously excluded.“, he adds.

The far-left party is finally calling for the urgent development of a European plan for the production and transition to electric vehicles.Such a process must not be left in the hands of the market.“, defends the PTB.

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