Attention to the use of the Internet more and more early by children

If tablets are often mentioned, a study shows that children also know how to use the Internet very early. And it’s not without risk.

Children born following 2010 are considered Generation Alpha. But this generation is increasingly confronted with new technologies and their learning. And that can worry parents as much as pediatricians.

Indeed, several studies and surveys have shown that children are exposed before the age of 2 to screens. But what regarding another major tool in our daily lives: the Internet? At a time when the tool is used in class but also in free time from childhood, a survey wanted understand how children learned to use the Internet.

This was conducted by the company Toluna Harris Interactive on a panel of more than 600 parents and 400 children aged 6 to 10. The results are available for free online..

First uses of the Internet related to entertainment but also to school activities

For this survey, the researchers asked questions to both parents and children. These related both to the perception of the Internet, to daily use, but also to the age at which the parents thought of introducing their child to this tool.

It emerges from this survey that on both sides, knowing how to use the Internet fairly early is perceived as essential. Both parents and children think it’s “important” to master it before the age of 10. Besides, the first use is usually around 5 years and 10 months. As for use, it generally occurs at the end of the day for nearly half of those surveyed. However, the rules regarding this use vary.

For 65% of the parents questioned, the child can only use the Internet following having obtained the authorization of an adult. But that doesn’t mean the child is in the same room as their parents when browsing the web. 21% of parents questioned thus indicate that their child goes to another room when he takes advantage of his time accessing the Web.

An apprenticeship deemed essential by parents, which nevertheless remains a source of concern

As for what children do when they first use the Internet, it depends on their interests. Often they use it to playing online games, watching videos or listening to music. Once in CP, the tool can be used to carry out homework or activities requested by the school.

Nevertheless, being confronted with the Web so early intimidates parents, including those who grew up with the tool. They fear exposure to inappropriate content, fake news or harassment. Especially since it takes a year following the first uses for a child to know how to master the Internet.

It is therefore important to supervise children and teach them that the Web can be dangerous.



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