Attention.. indigestion is not an ordinary health condition that may indicate a serious illness

Follow up – Samah Ismail

British doctors have indicated that indigestion may be a sign of a serious illness. It is about pancreatic cancer.

As the patient suffering from this disease feels a burning sensation in the chest, a bitter and annoying taste in the mouth, and a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen and may extend to the back as well.

In addition, the feeling of pain is continuous or periodic, and when lying down, the patient’s condition worsens, and the pain appears more and the condition worsens after eating.

Also, with pancreatic cancer, the patient loses a lot of weight and is wasting quickly, and he also suffers from nausea, loss of appetite, constipation or diarrhea.

Doctors stress the need to consult a specialist when these symptoms appear in order to conduct the necessary examination, diagnose the cause and start treatment.

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