“Attempted Kidnapping” –

A story with a happy ending that kept Italy, for many hours, with bated breath. The two-year-old boy who disappeared from the garden of his home, in the countryside of Locorotondo, in Puglia, was found four kilometers away from his home. But 5 days after the events, many things still do not add up and the theory of the child’s disappearance during a moment of distraction by his parents gives way to the even more disturbing theory of attempted kidnapping. The mayor of Locorotondo himself, Antonio Bufano, had expressed doubts about what happened. Now the investigators, reports the Corriere del Mezzogiorno, are also examining the investigative lead.

Immediately after the disappearance, the authorities and many citizens of the Apulian town began searching for him, scouring the countryside inch by inch. Well, the spot where a citizen found the child, hidden under a fig tree, had already been checked in the hours before. Not to mention that the area is particularly inaccessible, even for an adult, and it seems unlikely that a four-year-old child would have walked so far to hide in that ravine.

They Found Him: The Joy of the Father of the Missing Child in Puglia

The carabinieri followed the path that the child would have taken and came to this conclusion. The hypothesis is that someone may have stolen the child and then, feeling surrounded by the searchers, abandoned the little boy in that area, perhaps shortly before being found. It is excluded that the child, still too young, can be questioned to obtain further elements.

#Attempted #Kidnapping #Tempo
2024-08-06 16:59:14



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