Attempted femicide in Eupen: a motorist rushes into a woman who has been harassed for three years, before killing himself in Welkenraedt

Verviers justice has just given up on a painful case: the man found dead last night along the motorway in Welkenraedt probably committed suicide after committing a terrible attack in Eupen. It is therefore a German-speaking magistrate who is now handling the case.

The facts occurred on the cyclo-pedestrian network. The individual, this Wednesday, therefore darkened, by car, on two people. He overturned them, and, according to initial investigation, he would have backed up to finish off his victims, before fleeing on foot. One of them is seriously injured, and it is a mother, who had filed one or more complaints against him for acts of harassment.

According to the judicial authorities, it would be a conflict for noise, in mediation, which would have degenerated, but the testimonies of neighbors rather evoke a case of romantic jealousy. It is therefore probably a feminicide that it is.

The investigations, which cannot lead to proceedings against the author of this assassination, since he threw himself under the wheels of a truck to kill himself, will have to determine for what reasons the lady does not could not be effectively protected.

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