Attacks planned: pre-trial detention for suspects extended

The Interior Ministry says that the investigation is ongoing. There is no further information or new findings so far. The 19-year-old and his accomplice, who is two years younger, are being investigated for terrorist association and criminal organization.

The 19-year-old with North Macedonian roots is said to have joined the radical Islamic terrorist militia “Islamic State” (IS), swore an oath of allegiance to the new IS leader on July 7th and planned to drive his car as close as possible to the Happel Stadium on August 8th or 9th using a blue light and siren to kill Taylor Swift fans gathered outside with a homemade explosive device or a machete and knives. He was arrested on August 7th. According to his defense attorney Werner Tomanek, he is still not confessing.

Two draft laws

After the alleged attack plans became known, calls for messenger surveillance became louder. While the ÖVP is in favor of expanding the police’s powers, the Greens are skeptical. A corresponding bill by Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (VP) is currently being reviewed. Since the deadline for comments ends on September 25, a decision before the election is unlikely. The VP also wants a timely decision on another bill that Economics Minister Martin Kocher has now submitted. This provides for stricter controls for security staff at concerts and events. It has already been determined that security companies may only employ people who are reliable and suitable for the job. However, there are no uniform standards for this assessment.

Kocher and Chancellor Karl Nehammer want uniform quality standards, defined training requirements, regular reliability checks, employee ID cards and a register. “We will take all necessary measures to ensure safe events in Austria,” said Nehammer.



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