Attack in Bahía Blanca: an explosive was placed in the house of a Health official | In rejection of the health pass

A new attack it was registered on Saturday morning in Bahía Blanca. This time it was once morest the director of Health Region 1, Maximiliano Núñez Fariña, for the implementation of the health pass in the city. Around 3.30, an explosive was detonated at the door of his house. The authors left flyers with death threats.

Health Passport? Circulation restrictions? They want Dead … They are going to have them”, reads one of the brochures that appeared in the official’s house. It bears the signature of the “Mohamed Ali Seineldin” National Restoration Command. In another flyer there are threats death to other doctors and health professionals.

“All the participants in the murder of healthy people in intensive care in the city, during the FALSE GLOBAL PANDEMIC Through Marxist ‘organizations’ and ‘companies’ that promote the New World Order, they are warned, “the text adds.


The Ministry of Health of the Buenos Aires province he repudiated the aggression and threats. On Twitter, the portfolio demanded a “prompt resolution.”

“Again an unfortunate event happens in Bahía Blanca. We repudiate the attack on the home of the director of Health Region No. 1. We hope that Justice will act quickly and clarify the facts,” said the governor Axel Kicillof.

In turn, the former head of the provincial Ministry of Health and national deputy for the province of Buenos Aires, Daniel Gollan (FdT), remarked that this is “the third attack” in the city. “If a prosecutor gets the job done in hours he can find those responsible. This insane violence cannot be tolerated.” “This time, the criminals’ excuse is the health pass. Several professionals are threatened with death. We hope that the whole of society will repudiate this type of intimidation and we tell the violent that they only give us more strength to fight for the good of the town, “he added.

The Buenos Aires Minister of Health, Nicolas Kreplak, also showed the pamphlets on his Twitter account, and related them to “the practices of the darkest time in our history, which in times of long democracy we cannot allow to pass.”

Estela Diaz, Minister of Women of the province of Buenos Aires, joined the repudiation. He expressed his “enormous concern” regarding what happened. He recalled that there are already four similar events in Bahía Blanca. “An investigation is urgently needed to establish responsibilities and end the violence. It is an inescapable democratic obligation, the judiciary must act quickly, “he said on Twitter.

Before this episode The explosion of a local in La Cámpora was recorded in Bahía Blanca on May 25. November 14 detonated a Molotov bomb in the house of a Mapuche reference. The latter was attributed to him by the group that now attacked Núñez Fariña, the self-styled Comando Seineldín. At the end of that month a suspicious package appeared at the door of a local of the Frente de Todos.




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