2023-08-24 09:55:52
Atomic habits or how small changes give big results
Los atomic habits they are small gestures in our day to day that produce great and valuable results. This is how he explains it James Clearthe creator of this term, in his famous book Atomic Habits: Small Changes, Extraordinary Successes (Ed. Diana) –best sellers this summer, by the way–. And he calls them that because these habits “are as small as a particle but as powerful as a tsunami.” she was the psychologist Lourdes Ramonsupervisor of Clínica Palasiet, who discovered this term for me with an explanation that convinced me: “An atom is the smallest part of matter, but a change in that atom will cause the entire system of which it is a part to change. Therein lies the true power. We believe that a small change hardly produces benefits, but that change maintained over time and integrated as a habit in our lives will totally condition the result. We are beings of customs and routines and making changes that are far removed from our usual routine will be very difficult for us and will make us more demanding. Instead, Those small changes in habits in our daily routines are not going to be so demanding when it comes to assuming them and they can be better integrated.r”. And he concluded by paraphrasing Clear: “Being 1% better every day you will be 37 times better in a year”.
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5 habits to rest your brain, according to experts
Ana Morales
This organ stays busy throughout the day, but learning to disconnect in order to sleep better and achieve well-being is fair and necessary.
An explanation that I burned into my mind before going on vacation along with a goal: make some small changes to improve my day to day. Here is a summary of those gestures inspired by the idea of atomic habits that I will continue practicing to improve my physical and mental well-being.
#1. Make email invisible and silence notifications
It is the first time that I deactivate the mail of my mobile, but it has been one of the best things I have done this vacation since having it active did not prevent the temptation to look at it. The digital hyperconnection It is a reality and although the practicality of being able to have the work tools on the mobile is comfortable, it makes it difficult to disconnect following work and on vacation. For this reason, from now on, especially on weekends, I am going to make the email account invisible to really disconnect and be able to connect later. In fact, as explained to me by the coach Martha Cereceda“it can be difficult at first since our brain chemistry has gotten used to this flux between tension and relief every time we read the notifications. But little by little you will secrete less cortisol, which is the hormone known as the stress hormone, and the need to look compulsively will dissipate. Be aware that you are achieving it, reward yourself, feel proud of yourself for having been able to maintain your moments of disconnection that day. And see adding moments like that, ”she said.
#2. smile a little more
Holidays invite disconnection, enjoyment and the laughts. Let’s say that smiling on vacation is something innate (and a piece of cake). However, trying to have the habit of smiling when you come back –with obligations and tensions involved– is another of my great purposes. And even more taking into account another piece of information provided by the Palasiet expert: smiling (even when you don’t feel like it) not only generates dopamine and serotonin, but also sends a positive message to the brain. “The brain gives tremendous importance to what happens on the face. Besides the musculature around the eyes, the second most important part of the face for the brain is the mouth. We are not aware of the power it has. In fact, the neural response to a smiling face is much stronger than to one that is not smiling or angry. The insula, which is one of the parts of the brain most involved in identity, is activated when we see someone smile or when we smile ourselves.
#3. add an egg to breakfast
I knew the theory: the egg it is an important source of protein with satiating power, but adding an egg or two to breakfast – the French omelette has been a classic of my slow and conscious breakfasts – has convinced me of the importance of turning this gesture into a habit. The eggs contribute energy, avoid the insulin spikes that fast carbohydrates provide and put you in a good mood. As he explains Salena Sainzclinic director Nature’s Nutrition, has a high content of tyrosine and tryptophan, precursors of serotonin, the hormone of happiness. “In addition, it is rich in vitamin B1 and magnesium,” he points out. And as if that were not enough, it is one of those foods that, according to the energy diet, calm the brain.
#4. Less social networks, more books (on paper)
I have not made a detox digitalbut in my attempt to rationalize the use of the mobile, I have read much more and the results might not have been more gratifying due to the state of peace and tranquility that it generates a reading when it hooks The psychologist already explained it to us Elena Fuentes Moreno: Reading generates dopamine and an immediate feeling of well-being, as well as being excellent mental gymnastics. Taking into account a study that found that people who spent three and a half hours a week reading were 17% less likely to die, my atomic habit for this new course It will be to read, at least, 20 minutes a day: at breakfast, before going to bed, or on my way to work. And although reading digital books is an option, it gives me more peace, pleasure (and eye comfort) reading on paper.
#5. Do things one at a time
I live in multitasking throughout the year – mistakenly believing that I am more productive – but on vacation it is much easier to put into practice the necessary habit of do things one at a time, without thinking regarding what I am going to do next when I see that I am finishing a task. After verifying how doing so helps to reduce anxiety, I have the firm intention of consciously doing each and every one of my tasks without falling into the open windows syndrome running multiple things at once. In addition, as explained to us by the psychologist Laura Palomares, it’s important to remember this: ‘It’s true that I have a lot to do, but I’m human and I can’t control everything. As much as I run and want to cover it, it is preferable to concentrate now, I am sure that I will face the next task in due course as best I can”.
#6. complain less
TRUE. On vacation it is easier to carry out this change -there are few excuses to complain-, but I attest that stop complaining habitually It is another way to take care of mental health. I know that it will not be easy when the stress of everyday life takes its toll, but I will try to always keep in mind this explanation that the psychologist gave me Brigid H. Madsen: the constant, passive and unproductive complaint “focuses us on the negative and in the long term gives us a very pessimistic vision of the world and our environment. In addition, this attitude generates a certain rejection in others, it creates an atmosphere of negative energy that nobody likes”.
Love yourself a lot!
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