Atmospheric Nightmare puts music to the cry of a generation that wants to live

“What a shit the city is, but the field also sticks to me,” reads the tune from La ciutat, the topic published this week by Atmospheric Nightmare, the musical project of Manel Vizcaíno (Girona, 1999). Combining urban music and rock, the song – very much inspired by the pandemic – vindicates the desire to live, fall in love, make music and party with a whole generation that, with the arrival of the virus, has seen partly truncated his youth. “The song talks regarding how my friends and I want to eat the world and how, in the end, it seems like the world is eating us,” explains the young musician from Sant Julià de Ramis.

With a video clip signed by Yan Visuals, the song produced by Geri and Zneakyboi and mixed by Oriol de Ramon (member of The Tyets) appeals to this pandemic fatigue that, following almost two years, thousands of people feel. With a casual lyrics, a catchy tune, drums and the sound of a sharp guitar, La ciutat becomes the first stone of what, without haste, will be the artist’s first album, which in recent years has released powerful mixtapes in the networks to make a place for itself in the emerging urban music scene of the Girona region.

Manel Vizcaíno’s project was born in 2017, following meeting Senyor Oca, a project led by Barcelona’s Sergi Sala MC. “I was starting to write songs when I met Mr. Goose. He had a song called Atmospheric Nightmares. We became colleagues and from that moment on he always said that I was like an Atmospheric Nightmare. Because it’s a topic I really enjoy, it soon became the name of my art project, ”explains the young artist, who has nearly a thousand monthly listeners on Spotify and nearly 400 subscribers to his platform channel. YouTube.

At the beginning of 2019, Malson Atmosfèric began to publish topics that, little by little, were shaping his project. With lyrics that talk regarding themes related to their generation and mixing trap and hip hop, singles like Laia, Accepting Poems, MGRA (Make Girona Rage Again), Testament, Afternoon Steak or Cari have begun to shed light on a project called to consolidate itself as one of the most interesting in the Girona urban music scene.

Butterflies in the stomach

Manel Vizcaíno is determined to make his a musical project with a face and eyes. “With The Tyets, Geri – the producer – and Zneakyboi have started to create themes that we believe have a new direction,” he explains. “We’re thinking regarding releasing an album, even though we want to do it in no hurry so that every song sounds good. It’s a project that was born years ago and there are issues that we’ve redone because my voice has changed. The idea is for the album to be titled Butterflies and to be related to the feelings that come from the stomach. Last summer we were already working on regarding twenty songs, but we still have to decide which ones to keep and which ones not, ”adds the young artist regarding the future of his project.

The artist, who claims to make “music that your favorite singer wouldn’t make” on her Instagram profile, believes that the urban scene is in a moment of growth with a wave of bands mixing rock with trap. .




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