Atlantic low with 200 litres of rain rolls in

After the severe Vb weather situation over Central Europe, the next severe storm is looming. Cologne and the region could be hit hard.

Cologne and the region are threatened with severe storms and heavy rain from Monday at the latest. After the exceptional Vb weather situation over Central Europe, in which more than 350 litres of rain fell per square metre, an Atlantic storm with autumnal temperatures and, above all, large amounts of rain is moving towards North Rhine-Westphalia.

However, the new Atlantic storm is particularly violent on the French Atlantic coast, where according to initial forecasts in the Landes department, not far from the coastal town of Bayonne, as much as 213 litres of rain per square metre are possible in just a few days. Weather models are not yet an exact forecast, but they do give a rough forecast for the weather in the coming days.

Video | 50 centimetres of fresh snow in Austria

Quelle: Glomex

For example, low pressure areas could continue to form off the Atlantic and North Sea coasts, causing persistently low temperatures and, above all, large amounts of rain. Extreme weather events are becoming increasingly likely due to climate change, and the Vb weather situation has been significantly intensified by exceptionally high temperatures in the Mediterranean.



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