Atlanta Fed President, No Significant Rate Hike Needed More Than 0.5 Points-Bloomberg

Bostic, the governor of the Atlanta Liberal Democratic Bank, said on the 9th that it is desirable for US financial officials to continue raising interest rates by 0.5 points, and that there is no need for a significant rate increase.

“I don’t think we need to move more aggressively,” he said in an interview with Bloomberg Television, saying that the 0.5-point rate hike is “already a pretty aggressive move.” It is possible to determine how the market will develop. “

Bostic Governor in an interview with Bloomberg TV

Source: Bloomberg

On the other hand, in a subsequent interview with through Twitter’s voice conversation function, it is unlikely that a 0.75 point rate hike will be raised in the next few months, but “I will not exclude anything from consideration.” Said.

“I think the neutral range is in the 2-2.5% range,” Bostic said in an interview with Bloomberg, saying that interest rates need to reach the neutral range. Let’s see what’s going on. ” Once in the neutral interest rate range, US monetary authorities said they might assess whether an additional 0.5 point hike was needed, a 0.25 point hike, or no change.

On the other hand, “My priority is that inflation is too high and we need to act decisively and with a clear intention to control it.” Said.

The Fed Goes Marching

Markets see the Fed quickening rate increases this year

Source: Federal Reserve, Bloomberg data

Original title:Fed’s Bostic Says No Need to Move Faster Than Half-Point Hikes(excerpt)

(We will update the content of the interview with following the third paragraph.)



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