Athletics: Renaud Lavillenie announces the birth of his little boy

You are never better served than by yourself. A few hours following finishing in 6th place in the Indoor French Championship at Miramas – where he settled for 6th place, far behind the new winner Thibaut Collet who cleared 5.81 m -, Renaud Lavillenie published on his Instagram account that the family was growing and that he was the proud father of a little boy.

“Dad x2 since last night 3:46 (Editor’s note: in the night from Sunday to Monday). Suffice to say that I didn’t have my head on the pole this weekend ???? the birth of our son was our primary concern with Anaïs. So happy to start the week like this,” said the 2012 Olympic champion.

The 35-year-old pole vaulter was already the father of a little Iris born in 2017. The Auvergnat had explained to the newspaper La Montagne that he did not really have the spirit to compete this weekend. “I lived 24 somewhat complicated hours. My wife called me Saturday night and I came home so as not to miss the birth of my son. It wasn’t time yet. I slept very little and finally made the choice to come back to Miramas. »

He only arrived in the hall of the French championships “an hour and a half before the competition”. Barely landed in Miramas, he received a second phone call to announce the imminent arrival of his first son. “All of this put together, the fatigue and the fact of not knowing, meant that I was on the competition without being at the bottom, he confided to the media. It’s frustrating but the important event is not there. »

Especially since the former world record holder in the pole vault (6.16m), despite a 6th place, is almost guaranteed to win one of the tickets for the World Championships in Belgrade (from 18 to 20 March).



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