Athena Onassis: The truth was revealed 2024-07-17 05:35:42

The golden heiress of the Onassis has renounced her mother’s place of origin, for this reason and years ago she sold the legendary “Scorpio”, the private island of Aristotle Onassis.

Speaking on the show Summer’s Cool, the stylist Dimitris Grammatikogiannis revealed the reasons why Athena Onassis does not want to have anything to do with our country.






With 600 dancers and 20 traditional groups from Greece and Cyprus, Alonissos “welcomed” the start of the main summer season

“There is an Onassis missing today, there are areas like Paros, Mykonos and Santorini that promote fashion, but not Greek brands,” said the well-known stylist initially.

“In general, children who have famous parents have a fear of being exposed. I think that Athena suffers from this syndrome and the fear she has is understandable” he declared at the end.

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#Athena #Onassis #truth #revealed



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