At the very least seven useless and eight injured in highway accident in Brazil

The victims, who’re sufferers and staff of the Ministry of Well being, had been admitted to varied hospitals within the area.

At the very least seven folks have died and eight others have been injured in a critical highway accident within the southern Brazilian state of Paraná.

The accident occurred on a freeway within the municipality of Marechal Candido Rondon, within the inside of Paraná and about 600 kilometers from the capital, Curitiba, when a bus from the municipal Division of Well being, carrying between 15 and 20 folks, fell from a cliff.

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In line with a spokesperson for the Well being Consortium of the Municipalities of Western Paraná (Consamu), seven folks died on the scene, together with the motive force of the automobile, and no less than eight others had been injured with various levels of severity.

Highway accident in Brazil

Varied rescue groups, together with the Fireplace Division, Civil Defence and Civil and Freeway Police are additionally engaged on the scene to help the victims, whereas a helicopter from the Well being Consortium was deployed to help the switch of essentially the most significantly injured to well being centres.

The victims, who’re sufferers and staff of the Ministry of Well being, had been admitted to varied hospitals within the area.

In line with Consamu, the causes of the accident are being investigated, however preliminary data signifies that the bus driver misplaced management at a degree with poor visibility on the freeway and fell off the cliff, situated in an space of ​​tough entry.

With data from Union Radio

#useless #injured #highway #accident #Brazil
2024-06-28 01:45:24

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