At the Hammamet Festival, Lotfi Bouchnak engages his fans

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And the fans did not miss their goal, it was the artist’s concert Lutfi Bushnaq The night of the 27th of July was a special evening, which the artist furnished with muwashahat, mawwal, tarab songs and authentic Tunisian melodies. The audience of Hammamet received his star following an absence in a party that critics considered one of the most successful festivals season performances in Tunisia this summer.

Tunisian artist Lotfi Bouchnak said in a press interview following the show that the evening program changed more than once in response to the requests of the audience, noting that he contented himself with presenting only 4 songs of the new production in exchange for a rich program of Tarabiyat andsongs The old one whose name the audience chanted to respond to Bushnaq and sing "Cinema" And"women " And"you are my sun" And"The eye that does not see you" And other of his songs memorized by the public.

At the ceremony, Bouchnak sang for two and a half hours his tarab and percussion songs, along with mawwal AndAl-Muwashahat.

He said that the evening was very successful and that he was always keen to be honest in performing his artistic message and to be at the good expectations of his audience, expressing his happiness for the success of his concerts in sousse AndBaths During the summer of 2022, when the masses returned with a great thirst for watching, fun and art, following two seasons were absent due to the Corona epidemic.

Bouchnak spoke to reporters, saying: "The Tunisian audience is not easy. Despite its search for spectacle and rhythms, it also searches for the purposeful word and does not compliment the quality of sounds and music.. I am happy that following 40 years of going to the theater, I still have the audience follow me and fill the theaters with these numbers, and I consider that the reason is my constant honesty with the audience".

The artist Lotfi Bouchnak chose to look at the audience wearing "Juba" traditional tunisian, red chachiaTunisian fez traditional), accompanied by an oud instrument.

During the ceremony, he made sure to alternate between play Singing, reciting lyrics and dialogue with the audience in an unforgettable evening at the International Hammamet Theatre.


And the fans did not miss their goal, it was the artist’s concert Lutfi Bushnaq The night of the 27th of July was a special evening, which the artist furnished with muwashahat, mawwal, tarab songs and authentic Tunisian melodies. The audience of Hammamet received his star following an absence in a party that critics considered one of the most successful festivals season performances in Tunisia this summer.

Tunisian artist Lotfi Bouchnak said in a press interview following the show that the evening program changed more than once in response to the requests of the audience, noting that he contented himself with presenting only 4 songs of the new production in exchange for a rich program of Tarabiyat andsongs The old one, whose name the audience chanted, to respond to Bushnaq and sings “Cinema”, “Nasaya”, “Anta Shamsi”, “The Eye that does not see you” and other of his songs that the audience memorizes.

At the ceremony, Bouchnak sang for two and a half hours his tarab and percussion songs, along with mawwal AndAl-Muwashahat.

He said that the evening was very successful and that he was always keen to be honest in performing his artistic message and to be at the good expectations of his audience, expressing his happiness for the success of his concerts in sousse AndBaths During the summer of 2022, when the masses returned with a great thirst for watching, fun and art, following two seasons were absent due to the Corona epidemic.

Bouchnak spoke in front of journalists, saying, “The Tunisian audience is not easy. Despite its search for spectacle and rhythms, it also searches for the purposeful word and does not compliment the quality of sounds and music. I am happy that following 40 years of going to the theater, I still have the audience’s follow-up and fill the theaters with these numbers, and I consider that the reason is My constant honesty with the public.”

The artist Lotfi Bouchnak chose to look at the audience wearing the traditional Tunisian “jbbeh” and the red chachia (Tunisian fez traditional), accompanied by an oud instrument.

During the ceremony, he made sure to alternate between play Singing, reciting lyrics and dialogue with the audience in an unforgettable evening at the International Hammamet Theatre.



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