At the end of July, imports of raw materials registered an increase of 32%

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Industry and Commerce reports that according to the latest data from the Vice Ministry of Industry, authorized purchases under this incentive reached a value of USD 241 million, some USD 58 million more than what was achieved in the same period of 2023, demonstrating the good dynamism of this regime so far this year.

The MIC Special Regimes Directorate also stated that in the month of July alone, this incentive totaled USD 38 million in imports, benefiting some 145 industries; while around 513 applications were authorized.

In the first seven months of 2024, more than 239 companies benefited, representing a considerable increase of 3% compared to the cumulative total of the previous period. In addition, a total of 3,224 import applications were authorized in this period, with a positive variation of 20%, that is, approximately 528 more applications.

Of the total number of industries benefited, 77% are concentrated in the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors, followed by metal products, rubber and plastic, food and beverages, and the manufacturing of textiles and clothing.

To a lesser extent, there are the paper and printing, furniture manufacturing, tobacco products, construction materials, machinery and electrical appliances sectors, among others.

Of the total authorized imports, 90% are concentrated in industries located in the departments of Central, with 77%, and Alto Paraná, with 13%.

Regarding the country of origin of these imports, the report details that at the end of the seventh month, 77% of raw material purchases originated in China, with 60%; followed by India and the United States, with 10 and 7%, respectively.

To a lesser extent, this is also the case in Japan, Türkiye, Spain, Germany, and other countries.

Related jobs

Regarding the workforce generated by the Raw Materials regime, the report indicates that around 36,705 jobs are linked to this incentive.

Main sectors

Regarding authorized purchases by the industrial sector, the report indicates that from January to July of this year, 74% of raw material imports were concentrated in the metallurgical, chemical and pharmaceutical sectors, as well as tobacco products, according to the report from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

#July #imports #raw #materials #registered #increase
2024-08-18 02:34:40



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