At least 59 people died from acute encephalitis

A severe outbreak of the Chandipura virus broke out in India and left several dead in a month. The disease is transmitted through the insects and is similar to radia. In addition, it is one of the most dangerous, with a 76% fatality rate.

Regarding the outbreak, they suspect that it was due to climate change and it is alarming because can cause serious damage to the body six hours later that the person has been infected.

According to the report Ministry of Health and Family Welfare In a statement, from June 2024 until yesterday, they were notified 148 cases of encephalitis140 of them in the western state of Gujarat, of which 59 died. Of the total number of cases “The presence of the Chandipura virus has been confirmed in 51 individuals“.

What is the Chandipura virus that broke out in India?

According to the National Institute of Virology On their website, the infection mostly affects children under 15 years of age, and despite being similar to the flu, it can result in a rapid neurological deterioration.


The virus is transmitted through mosquitoes, flies or ticks.

Besides, The virus is associated with acute encephalitis and is transmitted by vectors such as mosquitoes, flies or ticks and can progress quickly.

The ministry indicated that Gujarat is the worst affected state. For this reason, it has already adopted various public health measures such as spraying insecticides for vector control, raising awareness among medical staff, using information, education and communication materials, and referring cases to designated facilities.

At least 59 people died from acute encephalitis in India

The Chandipura virus was first identified in 1965 In the town of Maharashtra and caused sporadic outbreaks over the past few decades. Experts believe that the species Aedes aegipty mosquito is “highly susceptible” to the virus and could transmit it more efficiently than others.

The infection causes encephalitiswhich means that the infection causes a inflammation or swelling of brain tissue. According to an article in The Lancetthe disease can manifest itself with symptoms such as fever, vomiting, sensory alterations, convulsions, diarrhea, neurological deficit and meningeal irritation.

The worrying thing is that for the moment There is no specific antiviral agent to treat Chandipura virus, nor is there a vaccine.



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