At home: We were promised not to tell anyone, because then we would spoil the freshman camp experience – former freshmen testified about the BME VIK camps

At home: We were promised not to tell anyone, because then we would spoil the freshman camp experience – former freshmen testified about the BME VIK camps |

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August 2024. 21. 13:20 August 2024. 21. 13:53 At home

It was not in 2024 that freshmen were humiliated in the BME VIK camp for the first time. Former campers told Eduline how they were treated by the seniors.

“Work camp style” – that’s how he described it Edulinein a letter written to a former BME electrical engineering student about the faculty freshman camp. According to his report, their freshman camp was eerily similar to what the first-year students had to experience this year: they have to settle down, they are not allowed to mix with each other, they can only go to the bathroom with permission, and their medicines are confiscated. According to him, they also needed permission to go to the bathroom or to eat a sandwich, as they had to earn all of this with something.

“In principle, the goal was that the common enemy would bring the company together, and at the closing party they would welcome you in ceremonially. And we could have taken action, but it seemed much more like the good old, usual display of power,” he wrote. He added that he made his best friend in college because when the upperclassmen first tried this pace with them, they looked at each other and went for a beer instead.

The bags were also unpacked with them, and their rooms were co-ed just like this year, the ratio between the sexes was also similar, there were more than ten boys to one or two girls. And the organizers slept in the doorway, on the floor, so that they could not go to the bathroom at night.

The Edulinewrote to someone who was in freshman camp last year. According to his experience report, after the usual march to the site, they had to complete an obstacle course drawn on the concrete in the camp. If someone messed something up here, or they just didn’t like it, they were sent back to the end of the line. The security guards could do the same, in which case they had to pack all their stuff back into their suitcases, and of course they also took away their condoms, drinks, medicine and any food. If they had a sandwich, they had to eat it on the spot.

“We received no food all day, only a piece of greasy bread, but in the evening you could choose dinner, gyros or pasta. Of course, it turned out later that we were not getting a normal dinner, just a small portion of cooked vegetables. By the way, eating was forced every day: we were given 2-3 minutes, and they urged us the whole time. If we didn’t finish it, we had to leave it there. We couldn’t buy anything from the camp cafeteria, only if we gave the seniors money for the food,” he wrote.

He also reported that the shower was very humiliating, they only got a minute, “while they beat the wall behind the cubicles without curtains and yelled at us. You couldn’t go to the bathroom at all at night. There was an exception to this once, when our entire room was already in the middle of the room.” If someone decided to go home, a superior would convince them to stay for half an hour, because they would miss something big.

“On the last night, the organizers revealed that they had only sucked until now. From then on, you didn’t have to get drunk, and you could also drink alcohol. They promised us not to tell anyone, because then we would spoil the VIK experience,” he concluded his letter.

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