Hungarian and Chinese police officers will be able to perform joint patrols in the future, the Ministry of the Interior confirmed. According to the ministry, they can patrol mainly in touristic areas, but, for example, due to the expected large number of Asian guest workers, according to local civilians, Debrecen may also be affected, which a local NGO does not ask for. In any case, unofficial Chinese police stations have been operating here for a long time.

Sándor Pintér agreed with the Chinese Minister of Public Security in mid-February that the Hungarian and Chinese police officers can perform joint patrolling, writes the Telex. The Ministry of the Interior confirmed to the portal that “the police of the two countries will be able to perform joint patrols in the future”.

According to the ministry, the initiative helps “more effective communication between the citizens and authorities of the two countries, improving internal security and public order.” This also means that the government has confirmed the The world information, which we also wrote regarding on hvg360, and according to which

Chinese police can patrol cities that are visited in large numbers by tourists from the Asian superpower.

The tourism sector is strengthened by the Ministry of the Interior Telexas well, as it was written: the aim of the cooperation is “to improve the security of the tourist areas of the two countries during peak tourist periods and generally during events that attract larger crowds”.

“The conclusion of similar agreements is not unprecedented, Hungarian police officers also help their Croatian colleagues with their work on the Croatian coast during the main tourist season, Austrian police officers have also provided joint service with their Hungarian colleagues at Lake Balaton,” explained the tourism objective.

But there might be something else in the background – he pointed out The world also – moreover, the fact that, based on the Hungarian-Chinese agreement, “the Chinese security agencies can expand their surveillance network in Europe – is part of the monitoring of its own expatriate citizens in Hungary who think differently from the regime”. also wrote that Viktor Orbán met with the Chinese minister, and according to the Chinese state media, as part of the agreement that goes beyond tourism, “China offered to support Hungary in matters of public security in addition to trade and investment relations.”

It is no secret, we have written regarding this several times, that China operates an international network of illegal police stations, and there are also such in Budapest, Józsefváros and Kőbánya. These are officially “service stations”, but according to human rights defenders, they are outsourced offices of the Chinese police used to police the diaspora.

An illegal Chinese police station might operate in Budapest without the Ministry of the Interior’s knowledge

Until recently, there were two Chinese “service stations” in Budapest that human rights defenders identified as offices of the Chinese police that were illegally located and used to police the diaspora. At least thirty such stations were uncovered on four continents, but the Ministry of the Interior does not know regarding the presence of the Chinese police in Hungary.

In an interview with, Jing-Jie Chen, the Madrid-based researcher Safeguard Defenders, which exposes Chinese police stations operating around the world, also confirmed that two such stations have been identified in Budapest, and they usually operate under the cover of existing associations.

“Even Hungarians of Chinese origin can be targeted by people from secret Chinese police stations”

Not only Chinese citizens living in Hungary, but also Hungarian citizens with a Chinese background can be targeted by the Chinese regime, which uses illegal methods and even commits kidnappings if it wants the target person to go back to China, he said in an interview with Jing-Jie Chen, a researcher at Madrid-based Safeguard Defenders, which recently exposed illegal Chinese police stations around the world.

In the meantime, the Civil Forum Debrecen Association issued a statement of protest. They fear that, based on the agreement with the Chinese government, “representatives of the Chinese internal affairs bodies can maintain public security in our country in the event that larger Chinese groups settle and take up employment.”

The NGO reminded that “due to the establishment of Chinese-owned factories, significant Asian labor is coming to Debrecen”, and they would consider it worrisome if the Chinese authorities appeared in the city and took action, as this would “greatly spoil the public mood of the people of Debrecen”.