At an international meeting in Lahti, Finland, on Green Development and Digital Transformation, Th. Vassilopoulos

At an international meeting in Lahti, Finland, on Green Development and Digital Transformation, Th. Vassilopoulos

In Lahti, Finland, in the meeting of the partners of the CEI BOOST project “Boosting Circular Economy Innovation through emerging technologies application”, which is co-financed by European and national resources within the framework of the Interreg Europe Program, the Deputy Regional Service Governor of Western Greece participated on behalf of the Region of Western Greece citizen & Digital Governance, Theodoros Vassilopoulos.

The meeting that took place at the premises of the Science Park was attended by representatives of entities from Sweden, Lithuania, Finland, Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, Portugal and France with the aim of formulating a policy to strengthen the application of emerging digital innovations, support the development of the circular economy at regional, local or national level.

A scientific body from Western Greece is the Institute of Industrial Systems (IN.VIS.) of the “ATHENA” Research Center, whose Director, Chrysostom Stylus, presented the objectives of the project which is focused on the ecosystem of the Western Greece Region and in particular on the areas of digitization and the circular economy.

In his statements, the Deputy Governor pointed out the importance of the project in order to ensure that Green Development and Digital Transformation go hand in hand in order to lead to the recovery and prosperity of the regions and especially of the local societies. “The Region of Western Greece has substantially strengthened its role by participating in such international level meetings. We were given the opportunity during this time to express our views and present ideas for a better sustainable environment in the field of circular economy and digitization” he said among other things.

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