At 5, she buys 4,000 euros worth of toys and clothes with her mother’s phone


The girl ordered ten mini-motorbikes, a child’s Jeep and ten pairs of cowgirl boots

She is only 5 years old but already knows how to use the Internet and smartphones perfectly. To the great displeasure of his parents… UNITED STATESa little girl used the phone from his mother to place an order on Amazon of 3,922 dollars, or about 4,000 euros, reports BFM Tech. The mother realized this when she received an alert on her mobile, telling her that part of the order had been sent, says who interviewed her.

The mother of the family first believed in a hack. Then she understood that it was her child who was behind all these purchases. Accustomed to playing with her mother’s phone in the car, the little girl took advantage of a trip to buy ten mini-motorcycles, a child’s Jeep and ten pairs of cowgirl boots. She would have had the idea to order after having seen a mini-motorcycle in a park.

Fortunately, this story ends well. The mother was able to return all the products purchased by little Lila. If the parents took the situation with humor, they assured that they would be more vigilant in the future. Indeed, this is not the first time that their little girl has acted in this way. By Christmas, she had already placed an order behind her parents’ backs.

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